You’ll never rig a texas rig the same after watching this! Texas rig bass fishing is probably one of the easiest and most used ways to catch bass but learning how to rig a texas rig properly will ensure you can catch more fish! I will go over how to fish a texas rig in a future video as this one is going to be the basis on how to rig a texas rig so you have a good foundation for the future video coming up!
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EWG Hook:
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I'm completely new to this stuff, when i want to change soft platics do you prefer to keep the same hook and change a sinko to a craw or do you prefer to keep the same hook for each soft plastic and change everything out?
I fish Lake George NY a few times a year in a kayak. I’ve caught my biggest bass there but not a lot of catches. I like going into the north west bay thought the swamp looks like bass heaven but never had much luck nor in the bay itself. Do you have any tips or locations you have fished. I was told to head up to mossy point and will try it this week. I like your videos very informative.
Use a Gamakatsu skip gap hook instead of a regular wide gap for worms and especially flukes and you'll never go back! Best hook I have ever used hands down!
You can go to florida and catch limits with a turd in just about every canal
Id like to a casting demo with 1/8 weight and 15lbs test on a bait caster
You can texas rig that zoom plum mag ole monster anywhere in texas and catch fish year round.
Why the hell do they call them Texas rigs does the worm say howdy partner to the fish lol!!!
Dang man only had 2k subs 5 months ago? You’re growing like crazy!
I'm not a huge fan of the straight shank hooks myself (round bend or otherwise) but many excellent anglers have great success with them. Brian Latimer comes to mind. He seems to use them exclusively. I prefer EWG hooks for Texas rigging.
Weight size for me is usually determined more by water type than by cover. If it's a fast current river I'm fishing, I can't use light weights because the current won't allow the worm to sink. On a pond or slow moving river, I'll use a lighter weight, just because I don't need the heavy weight any more, and you get a slower action that the fish seem to prefer more.
Texas rig is my go to for tough day’s, never lets me down.
Great advice ,all is on point!
It was an interesting video. However, you mentioned nothing in regards to picking colors of plastics and how to rig it on a hook (your methods).
I fish North Georgia and I mostly fish ponds and lakes.
Texas rigged caffeine shad no peg 3/16 oz to 1/4 oz is an absolute killer the slip weight controls the dart of the fluke/trick worm action of the caffeine shad! The dart draws them to it and they’ll either hit on the fall of the dart or after it sits on the bottom for 3-4 seconds! Great video! New sub!
How about zman pro crawz since the pinchers float what size weight do you think is better for the Texas rig. I use a 1/4oz it's working for me right now, just want to learn more
I'll have to disagree with the hook comment a round bend hook is a good worm hook how do you think they caught so many big bass before you were born that's Right on a 2/0 round bend hook with a 7" culprit
i love fishing
I've never used those hooks. I like to buy a pack I can throw a robot worm or a fat creature bait. Ewg or Flippin hooks work best for me. And that depends on cover snfmd how the fish are biting g.
Many actual pro's will tell you an ewg hook is key for texas rigged . You want the gap to be twice the width of the worm.
Love the Clout 5.4 Texas rigged on a light 1/32oz tungsten. Gave me a 6 pounder the first time I tried it.
I'm confused as to how I could ever catch bass 30-40 years ago when a casting reel retrieved that lure at some unknown speed? I didn't have a clue what "gear ratio" was and still bass actually bit my lures on occasion.
I still use Tru-Turn hooks
With the peg it keeps the weight right on the head giving the bass more leverage to throw the hook.
Been fishing Texas rig before it was called Texas rig about 50 years I never fish with bigger than 3/0 don't care for wide gap how's and I've caught shit loads
Jow you use a peg? And how you set that up?
Depends on lure but I see some pause a beed what kind d of beed or where to find the beed for fishing g line?
I see some people put a beer on there line where to find a beed?
On texas rigs up to 1/2oz, I put a bobber stop in front of my knot to protect it.
I have used Texas rigged since I was 12 and I’m 40 now. I like worm hooks a ton and EWG. I don’t feel like like one is better than the other. My best advice to newer Texas rig guys is throw it often and try to keep your weight as light as possible. I rarely ever go about 1/4 ounce bow except for deep weeds in the summer I’ll use 3/8-1/2 ounce.
That's what those hooks are for… Senkos/worms
You learn something new every day. Thanks a lot brother for helping a gal out. Loved the video.
I don't get it! Go up or down in line weight. Obviously you guys do not reline your reels every time you decide to go 'up' or 'down'. So that must mean you have a few rods already spooled with different weight lines. How do you keep track of these? And how can you afford it?
Information packed as always. Not just watch me video but what and why. And from a northeast prospective which is hard to come by.
Bend the hook out a 16th or more on a ewg hook
I use braid. I never have these problems. Especially penetrating.
New subscriber. What knot do you use?
I never use an EWG hook. The eye is in line with the barb and causes missed fish. I only use a straight worm hook for that reason. I use anything from a 1/8 oz to a 1/2 oz weight depending on the circumstance.
Texas rig as a search bait? That's rough.
I prefer if I’m bottom hoppin 8 gear ratio..because only real when I’m doing slack or getting fish out cover..7.6ft around cover …7ft on rocks and rocks..I like a stiffer tip Med heavy to heavy..gimme G hooks gamas but not knocking 6th sense I like there straight shanks on creature baits
All good information. Just remember not to discount old school methods. Fishing in the 70s we had short pistol grip rods, round ambassadors and stren mono, but still caught well. I love the new tech, but hard to beat a Manns purple jelly worm back in the day.