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#fishing #brianlatimer #georgiafishing #riverfishing #shoalbass #highschoolsports #highschoolfishing
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#fishing #brianlatimer #georgiafishing #riverfishing #shoalbass #highschoolsports #highschoolfishing
4100 fishermen have signed up.
Great job Brooks shoal bass fishing is as good as it gets
Nothing better
Man, real talk. I didn’t have a dad in my life and it’s a real
Joy to see you with your son. I have two daughters now and theyve been the best thing in my life. Keep making memories bro.
love the vid, Brian! So fun to see Brooks soooo happy hauling in those shoal bass!!
Brooks with a five bass limit
awesome video i cant wait to show this to my nephew this thanksgiving
He out fished B-Lat. Way to go Brooks!
Keep being a good dad. The fishing stuff is cool too.
Lake is this? And son seems like he's good competition.
This video did my heart good, great stuff
Brooks spanked y’all this day !! Way to go lil’ man!!
Awesome!! Brings back a lot of memories
I nominate you for dad of the year! Awesome stuff B Lat
Great vid!
Say B-Lat, if your schedule allows for 2024, how about fishing for shoal bass in Alabama? Looks like a grand time.
Was fishing with smh head and smh worm this morning with my boy on the cooper river and we did great
So good to see a little kid enjoying hooking one up like that.
About the only OG fishing channel that actually fish on their channel. Great content bro!
Great vid BLat
That is the Dopest hoodie