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You Gotta Hear My Conversation With The Bassmaster And MLF Management

Randy gives bassmaster and mlf advice…
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  1. Randy,

    I use to think you were a loudmouth lunatic when this whole FFS started a few years back. In the world I’m just a nobody, so my opinion doesn’t mean anything. However, I do want to publically say, I think I was wrong.

    FFS is cool for technology and great for exploring underwater, but it really does appear to take the sport and competition out of pro angling. Rick Clunn once said (paraphrased) it’s all about knowledge of the species. And know it’s not about learning and knowing bass, it’s about knowing and being skilled with the technology.

  2. I just sent an email to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. We all need to start contacting our state fisheries departments to let them know a good portion of the public is against this…

  3. Hi Randy, maybe you are going about this the wrong way. Perhaps you or someone should suggest to Bassmaster and others that a NEW fishing group, sponsorship, tournament should be created that doesn't use LiveScope and Forward Facing Sonar. Have it be a back to the basics Sanctioned tournament.

  4. When will you consider what the youth of the sport want rather than you trying to relive memories of Hackney flipping a twig 😆

    I think you seem like a great guy, you got your dream with NPFL yet that’s yesterday’s news I guess ?

    I support technology in all aspects of life and a big reason you are even able to have a platform to constantly complain and be successful?

    I’m not a troll and respect you and watch all your stuff just would love for you to move on.

    This channel should start a go fund me for you to go fish NPFL in 2025 and document it and give you your arena to shine and that’ll make all this past content so much more meaningful.

    Life is Good Letttts Go

  5. You have some facts WRONG , you have NO proof viewership is down, you have NO proof that FFS rules are based on money. All you have is your YouTube channel comments which is full of guys that like you, that is hardly proof !!!

  6. Powerful video. Amen. – former avid Toyota and BFl co angler that now only fishes a couple events and never watches fishing on tv anymore or keep up with pro fishing at all in any way

  7. So you can’t go to MLF or B.A.S.S . Directly you gotta have people send them this for you.. there’s people using FFS as a way to get attention especially when you call it a cheater box .. video fishing.. and spotlighting for bass talk like the FFS is what had made graphs so expensive .. but it’s not .. they were already expensive long before F.F.S. came out .. I could say a lot more here about your crusade to use F. F.S. To up your sales.. YouTube subscriptions etc as a windfall for your own pocket.. it’s funny you don’t say the graph with sidescan that shows you fish is cheating I mean because without that graph you don’t have a means to run the livescope transducer.. I don’t see you saying using down scan is cheating.. I mean it shows you those schools of fish that you go back to with live because live only shows the fish you previously found with side and down scan.. you use fear tactics like .. “it’s cheating “ same as politicians wanting to divide and you’re wrong on most everything you say .. 99% of the anti F.F.S. Crowd have never even used one.. if what you say is true then a guy to become pro doesn’t need any electronics except a livescope to be a pro and that’s just B/S because you still have to have all that knowledge you had to have before livescope to be able to be competitive enough to win.. do you honestly think Jacob Wheeler could do what he does without all the skills he developed with electronics and thousands and thousands of hours of learning to fish long before livescope you know he couldn’t… nor could any other professional fisherman.. you’re not totally honest in that apples to apples comparison.. I’m 68 yo and I fished a lot when I was younger and did quite well but then I went 36 years without bass fishing or even having a bass boat .. and contrary to what you say it still takes those years of learning cycles… you still need that down and side scan.. you still need that mapping.. you still need that Lady Luck help.. so in all respects.. if you took away side scan .. down scan .. gps mapping.. gps trolling motors a 360 side scan …and only used/have the livescope to use technology .. you would get your hutt handed to you cause it’s truly worthless if you don’t have all the other electronics to show you where the fish are schooled at .. all the bait that bass follow and are the key cause bass have to eat and I get it that you only like to fish banks Randy and I’m sure you’d never cheat using downscan.. sidescan mapping and any other electronics .. isn’t that cheating if you can see a fish that’s not on bed .. truth be known.. the amount of time graphing and finding the fish on the same electronics you run the live off off before you ever drop a trolling motor down.. I’m pretty sure the MLF is doing very well financially and B.A.S.S. was having problems way before livescope came out.. like some of the changes that came out in 23 for the 24 season.. a lot of those boys went to MLF..

  8. Randy, you should watch Kyle Welcher’s recent video on FFS…he made an amazing admission, saying he would be at a disadvantage without FFS on the northern lakes, because he doesn’t have much experience there. He wasn’t being a jerk about it..I actually like his statements….but think about it. Of course you should be at a disadvantage if you don’t have experience or knowledge!

  9. i dont think they care about viewership, it is an unwatchable experience now. as long as the electronics companies keep putting money in the pockets of B.A.S.S. it will stay. But i wont I will watch the NPFL from now on

  10. Randy your videos have turned into a straight up crybaby fest. All you do is complain about everything anymore . Not just FFS . This sport is all about growth. But yet all you do is discriminate against the youth. FFS has not been out that long. Most of these younger guys can catch fish with the best of them without it. Its not their fault companies created this and they have took the time to learn . They are young hungry and devoted to there craft. Im sure these guys are on the waters more than you are . 1980 -90s are over dude.! Change is inevitable. Period. Im an older guy . Been fishing bass my whole life. Tournaments and such. I will agree that some changes should be made . . Get back to making good content . You are not in control of any of these organizations. So you opinion is just an OPINION . And for you to blast these organizations and these (SPOTLIGHTERS) as you call them is just BS. Grow up dude . Just support the NPFL . Really seems like you want it YOUR way or NO way. You can preach all your bullshit . But its just a bunch of unnecessary drama. Because you cant have it your way. I dont think you speak for half the people you think you are because im not seeing anyone eles complain like you. Learn grow adapt. Thats life . Nothing stays the same. !

  11. Lol This is nothing but a click bait title and you know it. Makes it sound to your viewers like you actually sat down with BASS and MLF management and had a real “conversation” and instead it’s just more of your whining directed at MLF and BASS like you’ve been doing for god knows how long now. Real classy stuff there Randy

  12. Im gonna say this, everyone says you gotta learn livescope its not easy to make fish bite, this, that and the third. If it didnt make catching fish EASIER, yall wouldn't be for it and defend it like yall do. PROVE ME WRONG.

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