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Winter Fishing Right Now! Can I Catch a Fish From The Bank in Winter?

This is winter fishing right now. Can I catch a fish from the bank today? I visit two different locations today as I search for winter fish. The first place I tried to catch a fish is the log. Unfortunately there are no fish at the log right now. However, by fishing at two different boat ramps I made up for it. Using red worms, and a simple float rig, I am able to catch a nice red ear sunfish (shellcracker) and a few bluegill. The fishing is far from easy, but Yes! Yes, you can catch fish right now. Winter fishing isn’t for everyone, but I still enjoy it. #realistic #fishing

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  1. Hey man, I just thought you might want to know that Bass Pro is having some pretty good deals online. Not sure if the deals are the same in their stores or not. I just ordered some things that would have cost me twice as much for pretty cheap. And I'm a cheap guy lol

  2. Blue Gills are always around. Live worms are the best. Glad to see you catching something. Can’t wait for warmer temperatures. Can’t rely on the weather either. Thanks for the video.

  3. Loved the video as always. Think I recognize that ramp you're at with the steam plant in the distance. That area in the winter is usually solid with the warmer temps coming from the plant discharge. It's been fairly consistent about 10-12 degrees warmer water than the ramp off 109 in Gallatin.

  4. Nice catches brother. I've officially dubbed the shell crackers as my favorite local fish to eat. Since everyone else seems to have the time to go out and catch loads of crappie every season, I always miss the best windows for America's favorite panfish. Plus there's been such an influx in their numbers in the past few years. And the fact that they can grow as big as your typical crappie helps as well lol.

  5. I thought that you might at least get a crappie over by the log. The water looked really good. But some days I guess that's as real as it gets. Thanks for the video Alex.

  6. Another nice video, that bobber is my favorite type. Works great with worms and shiners. Hopefully it warms up soon and the fishing gets better. Regardless of what is biting or how many, if I'm out fishing I.m happy.

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