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Why You Don’t CONSISTENTLY Catching Big Bass…

Randy talks about consistently catching big fish…#anglingessentials #bassfishing #anglingtimes #fishing #boating

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Blaukat throwback jig link…

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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. 5lb. range bass on heavy lipless on grass lakes………….Big spinnerbait is a grind. .Jig 100%. .Topwater deadstick. .Giant worm weightless. Any small soft plstic flipped into a jungle of grass or wood If someone is asking.

  2. Your point is well taken, but for a lot of us that takes away from the sport of fishing. For example, why sit in a tree stand when you can just send a drone out to locate that trophy Buck? That is not why we do what we do. It's just not the same as learning over the years as to which dock is most likely holding that Big fish, and it sure is rewarding when your right. And I mean no disrespect to you.

  3. Fishing 10 to 20 docks is the reason to have FFs. Why waste time fishing unproductive docks with little to no fish. FFS tells you where the fish are. You just need to figure out what lure to use to catch those fish..

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