Tips N Tricks

Why Navionics Is A VERY Powerful Bass Fishing Tool

In order to fish successfully, you need to prepare right. This website has changed how I fish, and here’s why!

#fishing #fishing_video #bassfishing #bassfishingtips


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Nice job. Thumbnail is pretty good, content is good. I liked the sound effects and addition of Broll to enhance the message of the video.
    I do have some very minor feedback:
    1) you might turn up the gain a bit on your mic or possiby move the mic a bit closer to your mouth as the volume is a bit on the low side.
    2) you seem to talk fast maybe work on slowing it down just a bit for the rest of us that are slow lol

    Best of luck on your YT channel! its cool to see new channels pop up in my recommended page.

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