Chris Zaldain goes over when, where, and why to fish a wakebait
*Want to know what rods or reels I use for a certain setup??? Here’s a list to every technique I use:*
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*Favorite BPS Rope Hat*
*BRCC DISCOUNT CODE:* blastoff25
*Giant Wakebait/Rat Setup*
Fav Rod 8’ Heavy
Splurge Rod 7’9” Heavy
Line 25lb
*MASTER LIST of My Rod & Reel Setups* (Work in progress, will continue to update)
I know it would be hard with the series and everything but one day u gotta take a trip back to cali for a series of videos
Yo Chris what glasses are you wearing now??
Early morning, late afternoon, overcast
Did I miss tithe limited to the wake baits.
Am I blind or I can’t see the list of baits?
Your wrong! The only thing the bass is thinking is… can I fit this in my mouth!!
All my wake baits got stolen with my tackle box years ago, thanks now I know where to get some.
I have some old school wood baits we know nothing about! Send me your info I’ll mail them to you bud!
Great video!
Great video.
Great info !!
AYOo Lanier shoutout
Ive been throwing big wakes on my local lakes for years. The time of year for the main lake i fish is shad bait from October-end of may. Then switch to gill baits.
I don’t see the link for the bait unless I’m blind haha
Dude, spent so many days on Lake Shasta catching those spots and everything else in the I’m biaeed because I grew up so close but it’s my favorite lake!
Chris, thoughts on that Tactical wake?
Have never really been into big lures. Just can’t wrap my head around it. But you and Ben got me to throwing one last night with no luck. I’m not going to give up though. I’ll try against n today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and….
Jesus! What am I getting myself into!
The rat gets chewed
Chris, I am still catching fish on the Zaldangerous swimbaits
. Limited budget to start wake baiting
I will set a bit aside and get started.
I have a derby coming up next month where I have to catch 10, what would you suggest for July to get the most fish in the kayak?
Inspiring me up here in northern Wisconsin! Thank you Chris!!!
Another great video!
where are the links for the baits?
When will you give us your copied version of I jack?
Get you some TOXIC BAITS Period!!!!
Ceaser is a Delta bait making legend, ask your Delta compadres Phill Dutra, Lucas or any west coast tournament fisherman
Team lefty
Just bought a throwback wake walker about an hour ago lol
Wake bait fishing is some of favorite bites. Slammer has caught me a ton of fish over the years.
Can you give a few specific wakebaits to look at?
any chance you could do a video about big baits in the summer? like glide baits and stuff, or does that fishing die out in the heat of summer?
Great video Chris
Oh how awesome it is to get the bell that Zaldaingerous has another video out!!!

Thanks for the great info! I really appreciate the time you take to explain the finer details.
I fished one of my first tournaments last Thursday on a local lake with a lot of pressure and after watching your videos and learning how to use a glide bait my partner and I were able to successfully get a limit, and three out of the five fish came on that bait
I will now be throwing it more often thanks for your amazing videos