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When Does Bass Fishing Tech Become Too Much?

I think it’s a good argument and should make for good discussion. Haters can go to the “Martha Stewart Channel”…
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  1. If i were to simplify it, i dont like it, because it takes the mystery out of fishing. Oh just cause you see em dont mean your catxhing em…. yeah yeah i hear that crap….but fishing old school it makes you think, do i need to change spots, bait, retrieve, color etc…..when put it together its just magic.

  2. Myself speaking,I started bass fishing,bass only in 65,I didn't think of fishing as competitive until 74,that's when my partner and I got a Skeeter low profile tri hull,horrible handling boat,38 lb.trolling motor,smoky v4 Evenrude,that burnt orange horrible color,but was better than the avacado green,but without it there was no bass fishing,boats were scary then,115hp,no power trim,but it did have a flasher spinning around.

  3. nope these pokémon gamer fishermen gotta catch em all can’t let roaming fish just roam and have respite

    there’s a video of some scoper trollin around on his boat staring at his screen and his head winds up in a hornet nest on some standing timber he had to jump in and take a swim for a minute 😂

  4. I’ve fished off shore my whole life. Telling someone where they should fish is just plain wrong. How about yall quit fishing shallow. Every generation of Americans dislikes the younger generation in some way music, clothing, hair, it’s always something. I do have mixed feelings on livescope. The argument I’ll make for livescope is. livescope has a chance to bring more people into the sport new baits, new ways to catch them,different areas of the lake, bigger bags etc. We been watching people throw a brown jig at a dock for 50 years maybe change is actually good for bass and bass fishing. Love the channel and thank you for making videos

  5. Fishing for shallow fish you can see is not the same as seein g them on FFS. The shallow fish you can see can leave. With FFS these guys ca n follow the fish and they can throw at them relentlessly. Scott Martin did it on the Big O last month. Threw at that big one over and over until it just gave in. That aint fishing to me.

  6. I have livescope on my boat, and it has helped my bass fishing 0%! But, it sure is fun to locate a top full of bream and turn the grandkids loose with a bucket of crickets! When fishing for bass, i'm trolling the banks and known ledges etc. To me, trolling around deep and targeting a single bass simply isnt fishing. I haven't fished a tournament in over 12 years, so what happens there doesnt doesn't affect me. Love your channel!!!!

  7. Not a fan of ffs but if someone has to have I guess they have to have it. I don't hear anyone actually saying that this technology tips, the scale of fair chase completely to the angler direction and as far as comparing two D sonar to forward facing sonar with 2D sonar when the fish swims out of the cone it's gone and it's a totally different skill to get back on those fish. At 64 years young I find your content refreshing.

  8. What would everyone say if MLB let ball players use aluminum bats?
    What would happen to all of the past records
    If a guide wants to use it to make his or her job more efficient go for it
    In a tournament situation it should not be aloud

  9. In my opinion the line is getting blurred between what some think of as a hobby, pastime , or getting in touch with nature and what others do as a business to obtain employment.
    Tournament fishing is a business, it’s none of the other activities mentioned. Is it a job that some love more than anything else , YES !
    Is it simply a means to an end that gets the bills paid for others, Yes !
    Like any other business, it is not conducive to longevity if you don’t make a profit.
    When the act of fishing became a sport and was monetized, the “old school” fishing tactics were fazed out rather quickly.
    I really wish you would search the very first Bassmasters classic here on YouTube. It’s narrated by Jeb from Green Acres. Pay particular attention from about 10:30 seconds to 12:00 minutes. You will see that the thing you are against was already in motion at that time.
    And one more thing, I don’t have FFS or even a working graph at all on the front of my boat, however, I don’t need to have it to understand evolution of a paying job. And like another comment here that was made, to degrade an individual for excelling at his job by calling him a cheater, or say that he needs asterisks by any accomplishments that they achieve while doing so legally should cause pause from any level headed person on either side of the debate.

  10. That’s the story that all these tells Even the higher ups in Bass tournaments the ones that run them truth be told they don’t like what forward facing sonar does either but the love the money they make to allow it to be used but if all the followers of the sport start walking away kinda like what happened to Disney I bet the tunes would change I’m sorry guys that crap is not fishing it’s catching it don’t tell me a damn thing about that person that won the tournament except he’s probably good at playing vedio games he don’t know how to fish or he wouldn’t have to use the damn stuff to win !!!!!!! Sorry guys I know the truth hurts

  11. Technology is good, as you said Fuel injection. That makes your truck or car or boat run more efficiently. That helps the environment. Better heating and cooling systems for your house helps the environment. But More advanced Fish Finders help only the person fishing, So if you can tell me everyone using it is only catch and release than it will not cause issues in the aspect of sustainability to the fish population, But it makes the tournaments sooooo much worse to watch. Tired of looking at the back of heads. And here i am commenting on a video posted on You Tube on my computer… Technology, Should have written a letter to you on paper and sent it in the USPS mail. Technology is good and bad, just have to be careful what we do with it. Keep up with the push to keep fishing reel. Im going creek fishing tomorrow, No technology just one pole boots and some lures… Peace out.

  12. I heard someone say that if you’re taking fire you are over the target. I try to understand both sides of it and I can empathize with both. I look at FFS in fishing and steroids in sports the same way. If it is what you do for a living and that’s how you feed your family who am I to judge anyone.

  13. I think the biggest issue people have with the anti FFS crowd is the disrespect to the anglers along with the technology. If you and others just said that the technology crossed the line for YOU it would be fine. It's the "spotlighting", "cheating", "asterisk", "couldn't catch a fish without it" etc. that some people have an issue with (i'm not saying you say all of that, but you've said some of it). Anglers who get insulted about their ability to do their job tend to have something to say about those doing the insulting.

    I'm fairly indifferent on FFS. Do I think it's gone too far? Probably not, but it's getting close. The point is IMO, one can say the technology crosses the line without insulting and including anglers in that.

  14. In defense of your buddy at the tackle shop, I watch ice fishing videos where they are using a flasher. I see them explain that those colored lines mean stuff. I watch them drop their bait into the hole and I see the colored line going down on the graph. The angler says "there's the bait going down". I see another colored line (s) come form the bottom of the graph and the angler says "there's a fish coming up to the bait". I watch the angler lift his rod and I see the colored line (s) that represent the lure raise up on the graph, Then I see the colored line (s) that represent the fish come up. I then see both the colored lure lines and the colored fish lines meet and the angler says "there he is, got em" How does that not represent "live lure and fish interaction"? I'll give you that it's a less evolved form of technology, compared to FFS radar love, but what am I missing?

  15. I can't wait for the new generation to figure out how well sinking flyline shows up on FFS, and how well suspended bass will eat a Gamechanger or a Bulkhead Deceiver.
    Flyfishing will be the "NEW FRONTIER"! 😅

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