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What I Know About Trapshooting, Bass Fishing, and Quality Sunglasses

I’ve learned a lot over the years about good optics and the outdoors, and have learned even more recently.
Solar Bat Sunglasses-


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. It is worth it to invest in quality eye protection — "you only get two eyes, so take care of them" my grandmother would say — I worked long days outside and in my late 20's had some eye issues (doctor said I was developing calluses on my eyes from sun/wind/ect…exposure and not wearing sunglasses) — so I invested in some quality eye wear (I have worn Oakley's for about 30 years now) — now that I have a boat I may look to invest in some Solar Bats — thanks for the info. !

  2. By the way I saw on Facebook that a local Bass club here in Kansas in my area has banned forward facing sonar. So far it's the first one I've seen in Kansas. They are a b a s s affiliate club was between 70 and 100 members. They announced it this year no forward facing sonar and no live 360 I thought you might be interested to see that. God bless brother man

  3. Me n mrs. rootwad floated the buffalo river last month. Went around a bend, i started counting 1, 2 … 29 spotted gar below the water hanging out around a submerged tree. The mrs couldn't see any of them!!! It was my polarized lenses. We stopped and got her some new polarized sunglasses on the way home.

  4. I have had prescription polarized sun glasses for years. You can see a lot more on land and in water. Plus squinting gives me a headache in a very short time. Thanks again. Oh yeah and I can't see up close hard to tie something on when you can't see close up.

  5. My fishing partner asked me what I was grinning about, I said I was squinching, not grinning. I suppose he thought I was up to something.
    But yep, I got light-sensitive eyeballs too.

  6. Does anyone else remember the first polarized glasses sold in the 80’s? I wore my first pair in 1981 at Millwood. I could see 1’-3’ in that murky water.

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