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We Were Both Wrong (Full Video)

Chris Zaldain addresses the backlash from his latest vlog on Day 3 of Lake Murray.

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  1. I’m honestly shocked all these people are trashing you… if you rolled up on me and I noticed you were fishing a tournament I promise you I’d tell you good luck and go to another spot…. I can fish the lake any day I’d like. You’re here for a very specific reason. This is honesty sad to see everyone defending the other guy. If you were just fishing for fun yeah that’s probably a little close but for a tournament?! Come on people the man’s trying to put food on the table while ones drinking beer having a good day

  2. Sorry. But this guy was a hundred percent in the right and handled it well. Chris was way outta line with the actions he took. Very disrespectful.
    Been hanging around lunkers too much. He’s a jerk also.

  3. I’m a big fan of yours, but you were 100% in the wrong. If you asked me where I worked and said you were coming, then you had better have your affairs in order.
    You were rude and in the wrong. Apologize to that guy and go on.
    That was a really bad look on professional fishing.

  4. If you pulled up on me ida waved said how you doing and kept fishing. I do understand the chirping got to you and i believe you learned a lesson just be the bigger man and leave lesson learned not the end of the world good luck bud

  5. There will come a time when you get to really see if it was a lesson learned. Be the better man.

    Now…there's one particular YouTube commenter who fancies himself to be the smartest writer in the sport. He's a BIG (literally) piece of work. He's on this like a toad frog on a june bug. Dude has got a SERIOUS vendetta going about this situation. His first video on the "blowup" has over 5k views but only a small handful of likes. Wonder why…🙄 It's always interesting to see people who think they know everything about everything show absolutely ZERO grace on a situation, when you can tell by the way they live that they NEED and DEMAND a lot of grace themselves. Ironic, huh. 🤷‍♂

  6. Bro i like you alot and the channel so im not going to pile on you. But i will tell you as West Texan that you should be careful with your words.
    Like you or not if you'd threatened to come to my work place to dissrupt my pay check one of us would have toted an a$$ whipping home right there on the water.

  7. Just to parrot what many have said – (1) this video makes you look like a total 🫏 and (2) you straight up rolled up on that guy with zero courtesy and even worse (3) tried to publicly call him out in a video using the situation as the thumbnail subject / clickbait.

    You need to find the guy AND PUBLICLY apologize to this guy.

    Love your content and agree with you much of the time – but this is not good.

  8. All I've gotta say is don't let your legacy be tarnished by being known as the pro that cuts off local anglers cause wherever you go now there will be local anglers saying here he comes….

  9. I'm with you on this Chris. I'm seeing some ridiculous comments against you here. These people are obviously the same guy that was in that boat. You had just as much right to fish that point. And you pulled up way far enough away. I've had to deal with jerk offs like this on the water. A decent person knowing you where fishing for money would've let you have it. I would have let you have it. I lived your comments on coming to disrupt him at his workplace.
    You're a class act. Dont let these other loosers bring you down.

  10. Chris, you were definitely in the wrong here. This isn't your "job". Your job is to be an ambassador of the sport, to promote the businesses that sponsor you, and to promote the platform that allows you fish for a living. The way you handled this was definitely in poor taste. Maybe you should look into an optics sponsorship, and they'll hook you up with a range finder so you know what 120 yards actually looks like.

  11. Yeah man, we all have bad days and say things we shouldn’t have said. I’ll just add to what others have already said. Here’s a question for you: had that been another competitor in the same tourney you were in, would you have still done the same thing? If not, then there’s your answer. I get it, and we all overreact when someone says something to us, but we also have to reflect and realize when we were actually in the wrong. I think you’re a competitor and just got caught up in the moment, but hopefully you’ll learn from this and just admit you should have moved on.

  12. Your ego is what is killing the sport of fishing. I mean anyone who puts the word dangerous in their own name their character and ego speaks for itself. I don’t think this situation you were wrong in would define who you are but the lack of accountability speaks for itself.

  13. Man I wouldn’t have even put this out. It shows your true character cutting that man off like that then act with entitlement like you’re more important than him because you’re trying to fish a tournament. You sit there and try to make it out like you were far enough away but you’re right on top of that guy. it’s pretty pathetic you’d even do that.

  14. Yeah , I’m sorry bro , that wasn’t your best look . I’m a fan but that was not cool. That dudes water time is just as important as yours . It’s a public lake .

  15. How did you think you were in the right? You kept saying that. In your very first interaction with the guy, you make a comment that he's not fishing a tournament and that you are. And then make a weak sauce threat about going to his work place?

    You're a douche canoe.

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