This is stop number 2 from the Alabama Bass Trail 100 on the Alabama River with myself and the LOB himself, Trey Swindle! We had a hard time finding quality fish in the low water, no current, and high water temperatures so we put the @XpressBoats1966 X-21 to the test trying to find $25,000 worth of bass!
I’ve left some boat parts down there
Great video Brotha!
The story that defines and it’s basically a motto of the traveling circus is “Well guys idk what happened but we had some technical difficulties I lost all the footage and the whole podcast so we’re doing it again.” Still proud to be a low lifer
Treys body just really let him down on that big one
– “I mean this is what an express is for right ?”
– “I think so”
Y’all are awesome man this was fun to watch !
The adventures of LD and Trey. Good stuff!
Putting that xpress to work,great video,you to are hilarious,the footloose comment got me,lmao,Trey is a hoot,bright future in the industry
Good video Luke, Have you ever met or played with Todd Snider??
You were definitely in the right area of that river, I knew the exactly pocket you were fishing that’s my home water, I’ve seen several 20lbs bags come out of that pond. Y’all were about 2 weeks off from that place exploding on a popping frog and if you would’ve ran up that river in between Orriville and the Selma area possibly you would’ve hooked up with some of those mean 4lbs spotted bass but that’s fishing on that lower end of the river. Good luck
Need more of these. Miss the derb videos
If you threw a Gilly at those fish that wouodnt spook then literally nothing would’ve caught them at that time. Maybe later who knows
Good stuff! #lowlifer
Always enjoy your videos. Trey puts in on you every time though.
what's up with that?