These water activated lures are going to be some amazing lures!! Hopefully they will catch some big bass! They have some seriously good action in the water!
#baitandlures #fishingadventures #topwaterlure #wateractivated #waterpower #waterworld adventure angling bass fishing big bass custom baits diy bass lure DIY lures diy topwater lure Exploration fisherman fishing fishing challenge FishingCommunity fishinggear fishinglife FishingPassion fishingtrip fishingvideo hobby lobby lure making lures nature Outdoor shorts Sports topwater bass fishing topwater fishing water
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Turtle for sure!
The fish will catch more and the turtle will catch bigger fish
I just want the toy, not the lore
i liked my own comment
DIY fishing torniment
please dont shop at hobby lobby they are an incredibly racist company
Turtle all day
This is cool I wonder how big of bass it will be
You should try to use a show me earplug as a bait or lure
Fish is catching biggest
Day 14 of asking for shimano v diawa/lews v abu
How does my man not have 50 million subscribers he is a legend
The fish
We got the turtle one for my brother on his birthday
That’s a cool idea, almost as cool as a Lego lure… (please make one soon)
Put another treble hook on the turtle lure. The hook ups are gonna be terrible.
Mostly the fish since there are more predators that like fish but turtle might get more attention since its bigger
The plastic breaks and leaves a hook in a fish?
TURTLE, I'm calling it
turtle will 100% win
They look like they’re gonna break 😭
The fish looks like it’s not gonna get bit the turtles gonna smacked
Turtle it might work like a popper a bit