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Upper Potomac River | Rapids and Current Fishing for Smallmouth Bass

On a whim I went out to the Upper Potomac River and found a bunch of smallies! They fight like crazy and the scenery is unmatched! Come Along as we crush these fish on todays fishing adventure.

Gear Used (15% OFF USE CODE : SaAh15)

Piscifun Carbon X 2000:

Piscifun Serpent Spinning Rod :

Music provided by HearWeGo (
Artist: Serein
Title: Blue (Sappheiros Remix)
Listen on Youtube :


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Yesssss!
    Smallies are the kings of my local river, and they have really started getting aggressive within the past 10 days or so. Good times!

    This is the first vid of yours that I've come across.
    I gave you a sub and a 👍🏼
    Looking forward to seeing you catch some more.

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