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Tourney Day – MinnYak Kayak Bass Fishing Tournament Alexandria MN

MinnYak kayak bass fishing roadrunner event on July 13, 2024. We had a 15 mile radius to fish and my morning bite was tough trying to find bigger fish.

I started on Lake Cowdry, went through the channel to Lake Darling and didn’t find anything over 14″. Switched lakes to Union Lake and got rained on with tons of wind. Once that let up, I was still only finding 15″ fish, so I moved to Latoka Lake. That’s where I started upgrading fishing after 12:30pm with a 3pm end-time.

Had a fun tourney. Ended up 19th out of 50, which was much better than 41st out of 50, and that’s where I would have ended without culling up.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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