
Tournament Trail Stealing From Anglers And Latest Disqualifications…UPDATE

Randy talks about a couple recent scandals that are rocking the fishing world recently…#angler #fish #bassmaster #fishing #fishingdaily #bassfishing #catchandrelease #bass #fishinglife #apextournament

Lake map breakdowns…

Virtual lessons…

Blaukat solarbat sunglasses…

Blaukat old school jig..


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  1. Government intervention is NEVER an answer nor a good idea. NEVER EVER!!. Take personal responsibility to find out about the tournaments and owners. Grow up. Grow a set. Tournaments during a spawn are indeed bad . So don't participate and get your buddies to not participate.

  2. I remember when Dobyns started the original west tournaments, I thought he was pretty good, but there was some payout issues in one,took two hours to write checks,he did give me my rods,pretty good, only one snapped, there should be a mandatory escrow system for every tournament as a guarantee for the angler's, it's so expensive for everything nowadays.

  3. Bass fishing is a type A sport, you can't say your all relaxed after a tournament,bass fishermen almost explode catching a 7 lb'er,the test should go away,stupid, you have cameras, co-anglers,everything has got crazy,when I started if you caught a 6 lb'er you made the western outdoor news,get back to fishing,just fishing!

  4. Randy towards the beginning of the video you said polygraphs are not a deterrent to cheating but then later on you said they are a deterrent so which one do you believe? I'm not a tournament angler but I think it's ridiculous that any organization would use such a known untrustworthy technique to justify or deny any kind of payments.

  5. I agree with the spawning. It seems every year where I live they have a tournament on Santee Cooper during spawn where they catch big bags on bed. Can’t be good for the fish.

  6. I don’t understand why these trails can’t AT LEAST switch over to kayak rules (CMPR) during spawn seasons on given lakes. It’s rediculously easy and very ethical. But doing away with spawn tournaments would be even more ethical, although less crowd/media friendly at the same time. More weight at the scales equals more money. Ray Scott left us, and it all went to pot.

  7. I'll agree with the no tournaments during peak spawn. My preference is a closed season or minimum spawning areas on lakes closed off. I'll disagree we need another law or another bureaucracy to "protect" the poor defenseless anglers. There are all ready laws in place for about anything and everything, How about the law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges do their jobs? There are leagues, clubs, tournament organizations that pop up every year for about any "sport". Because not everyone can drop a hundred grand on a boat then another 60K in entry fees, food, lodging. Or a million dollars on an Indy car race team, or hit a thousand golf balls a day every day, etc… Hell they caught the sorry bastards packing lead in fish and they still just sat them in time out and gave them a firm talking too. What you allow you encourage.

  8. So the reason I told my partner, I would never it again because they charged you for everything all our other team, tournaments your lake fees and everything we’re all included. They wanted to charge you for every little thing and the payouts were crappy. Gary Dobbins originally started wild west bass trail he ran it for a couple years. He sold it when he moved his operation to Texas but that’s how it got started.

  9. So Randy, I Fish‘s wild West bass Trail last year the team Trail and I told my partner I would never do it again I lived in San Diego live there. My whole life moved to Texas in the last year, but I was watching a podcast with some of these Anglers and what they don’t realize is because in that tournament trail they made all these guys pay money upfront to even try to do that the team stuff the first year theybasically spent all their money. I hate to tell them they’re probably never gonna get their money, just a small version of a Ponzi scheme .

  10. They could still hit tournaments all year long & avoid peak month of spawn for each individual area! Its way easy to fix this issue. It's not going to happen, I don't think. Taking the fish away from their spawning area & into a weigh in then releasing them in a completely different area during the peak of spawn, is most stupid thing the tournament organizations do! Not good for future population of bass at all!

  11. Gov has no business is regulating Bass fishing tournaments 🤦‍♂️
    Anglers need to stop being suckers and requiring the tournaments to be Bonded before they sign up. The tournament doesn’t pay the bond will and will also qualify who tries to run a tournament series because they need to be bonded.

  12. It’s so sad that bass fishing tournaments has come to this. You have been around a long time, is this something new in tournaments or has it always been this way?

  13. Unless the state departments are going to do something to protect their fisheries, the tournament reps aren't going to change anything. Pro fishermen like you need to speak out on it. Watching pros fish these spawning tournaments with no remorse just makes me lose respect for them.

    Also, i guess im going to have to record my whole day fishing so I don't get screwed on a polygraph test

  14. I'm in 100% agreement with you on this. You can't tell me ripping a bedding female off the nest and transporting her miles away to a weigh inn and then releasing her does not traumatize her to the point of losing that batch of eggs. She's not gonna make new ones and might even die.

  15. Definitely agree no fishing during prime spawn period. Its pretty easy to know which month is that lakes prime spawn….just avoid that 4 week period. If there are still spawners then so be it but the majority of fish will have finished unmolested. As far as the con man who took off with the anglers money, I think he lives in Florida and golfs a lot…🤣

  16. Don't schedule them during spawning time agree 100 percent. Or you can take 2 alligator clips with 110 volts ⚡️ to there NUTS the truth will be spoken

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