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Too Many Bass Boats- Oh Yeah

Too much. Too happy. Like the Roman Empire, and I believe the good times are about over. For awhile. Sorry.
Solar Bat Sunglasses-


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Randy never said the economy was good. He lost his boat sponsorship. Boats are over 100 grand now. He said bass fishing is for people who have money. Rich kids parents for the young guns. Everyone knows boats are ridiculous. Nobody is watching tournaments due to spot lighting. This isn’t new. Thus has been going on the past 3 years.

  2. I’m so happy people’s are working and purchasing homes, cars, boats etc we should be thankful everyday we wake up and open an eye. Unfortunately there’s so many just wish they had enjoyed life to the fullest

  3. I've said it once and I'll say it again. People on the wealthy side of life and those who try and keep up with the jones is why this stuff happens. It's the people that will complain that a Taylor Swift concert cost 1,500 dollars a ticket and if you asked them if you could buy the tickets, would you. They say yes every time. We have raised a generation of spoiled uneducated kids that preach socialism because they fail to understand capitalism. The rule of supply and demand. It's easy to sit and just focus on the boat market, but it's everything. People in my area were paying 50% above market value for homes in my area. 25% above market value for vehicles. The same rule always applies. The minute you set the new high price for what somebody will pay. The previous high price is now the new low price. My house went from being worth 150K to being worth 300K in less than 5 years. My house isn't worth 300K. Doesn't mean I wouldn't accept that price if somebody was willing to pay that, but I know it's not worth that. I bought my RT188 for 28K back in 2015. Electronics, Motor, Trailer, Boat Cover. Might as well say fully loaded. That won't even cover the basic model now. I love my boat, but it ain't worth 34K. I could literally sell my boat for more than what I paid for it right now. I did sell my mothers pleasure boat 2 years ago for more than what she paid for it brand new. Your not going to convince me that any new bass boat is worth as much or more than the home I bought just 15 years ago. I remember when a million dollars used to be considered a lot of money. I could have a million sitting the bank right now and if I retired on just that. I'd be back working at a minimum wage job just to cover basic living expenses within 5 to 10 years. A G. Loomis NFC Rod can sell for $750 dollars now. That's more than I spent for 50% of the rods in my rod locker for 1 single ROD. It begs the question. When is the price to high that even the wealthy stop paying these prices. At won't point do people realize if you just exercise a littler restraint. Prices will come down. Banks and business can't sit on this stuff for ever, but the price only comes down if you force them to.

  4. For us working class that keep the wheels spinning, the economy absolutely sucks. What WE need to do is just all stay home for about 2 weeks, I mean every single one of us need to stay home and not strike a lick at nothing

  5. The economy sucks for us blue collar folks. The politicians keep taxing the fk out of us all the while the super rich pay nothing compared to us.
    The price gouging on us from Covid is relentless and not getting better either. It seems that these corporations have a green light from congress to throw a fn on us !!
    Both of these parties are corrupted to the highest degree and we all sit by and argue with each other about it. Taking sides with these fn criminals. All 535 of the traitors in the house and senate need to be shown the door !!

    One more thing wake boats suck !!!

  6. Randy giving boat tours and showing off his new skeeters and then saying how dumb a new boat is to buy immediately after losing his boat deal is peak hypocrisy.

    The market was due for a downturn. Feel bad for the guys that extended themselves on huge loans for boats, but they should’ve known better. And I really don’t care if pros can find buyers for their one year old boats. I’ve noticed the lakes are less crowded this year and that’s great imo.

  7. There’s lots of people with big money. Real bank accounts with real money. The economy is great for the rich. The stock market is at record highs. Only the working class is suffering.

  8. Ive been looking semi seriously for a used boat that would hold 3 people and be safe on lakes a few 1ks acres by my home that have enough sheltered areas I can go out fish get caught on a minor storm or sudden unpredicted/unexpected winds or weather contrary to the latest weather forcast
    Talking older 16-18' deep V I can put myself in a decent used fishing boat for my needs for around $5-$6k and go fishing on my local smaller lakes
    I about fell over seeing new bass boat prices at my local Cabelas and BPS 20' Bass pro/Ranger fiberglass Deep V was
    $10k OFF and it was STILL $75K the smaller version was in the $60k's
    Saw the price tag on a new Triton 20 or 20.5' with power poles electronics but without ANY fish finding electronics was $110k
    Saw the electronics price tag on one pros boat and it was OVER $30K
    Thst puts the cost of a pro level bass boatvat ABOVE $125K
    That's more than I paid for my first home back in 2001
    I make a H***ofa living and I can not afford $100k for a toy I use less than 100 days a year as is the case with the vast majority of pleasure fisherman like me
    Really REALLY sad

  9. I've said it for a couple years. The market for boats is gonna crash. Boat companies can charge these outrageous prices because people keep buying them. It will come to an end soon enough. The ones I dont get are the wake boats and pleasure boats that spend all day just going up and down the lake. How they afford the fuel for these things?

  10. I fish small lakes in a Bass Hunter 8 foot boat. Have been fishing these lakes for decades. People use to fish them in small aluminum boats. Now they are over crowded with full size bass boats.

  11. A ton of people went and bought boats during Covid because they had time on there hands cause they were layed off and a lot of those people didn’t want a boat they just thought they did

  12. I have a sponsorship deal through a boat company, mercury, and a dealership. I kept my 2022 model to this day ( received in summer of 2021) because I saw the forecasted 2023 prices. I knew the boat market was going to get swamped, those price points weren’t going to hold up, and I’d have to lose money to sell my next boat. My rep said that was the smartest decision he’s ever seen a guy make and stands behind my sponsorship going forward. They didn’t see the bubble forming but I noticed it when the trade ins started piling up, and when I saw the new price points skyrocketing. Anyway, I’ll wait for the prices and inflation to get under control then go from there.

  13. It’s gotta stop or blow up at some point trucks and boats are sitting around me and it’s their own fault now they wanna give 12,500 rebates and 4500:00 more if you would just sign up and buy it’s all the fault of these companies sticking us the working class

  14. There are limited public lakes and rivers that can be used and way too many people on the lakes both pleasure and fishing. It’s not fun anymore, period.

  15. Sold my Bass Cat and got an aluminum boat as soon as gas got high. Ordered it before inflation hit and only lost two grand selling it. I have money, just don’t want to literally burn it lol.

  16. If you look back on history the economy went to crap right around the same time that thinger called the IRS was invented and our dollar became debt to banks instead of gold and silver. I wonder if there is a way that we as Americans can fix that 🤔

  17. Take a look at the way they advertise these boats. The selling price is on there but the big bold numbers are the monthly payments, and then there is the fine print which explains the stupidity of it all. You can literally finance a bass boat for 20 years and I am telling you that is what most these people are doing. You also have a market that has been pushing the bigger boats and motors for years and now all this is coming to a head. I hate to see people lose their jobs and companies close but I don't know how they didn't see this coming. The sad thing is there is going to be a lot of people out there that are way in over their heads on their boats and they will have no way to off load them cause they don't have enough equity in them.

  18. Lot of working folks got a parasite on their back – and i don't mean the government. I mean the landlord, i mean the bankers, and i mean the boss. These companies laying-off regular working folks – the bankers and owners took YOUR retirement, YOUR value, YOUR loyality, and kicked you to the curb. They add NOTHING to society: Working folks make the world go round, and the economy SUCKS for working people right now.

  19. The economy is not good and sadly most people can't see it. I wonder why Randy B. thinks the economy is good but his boat sponsor went bankrupt. Yet with a great economy, he will only spend 35K on a boat, not 100K. His logic on the economy and politics doesn't make sense.

  20. I’m really starting to like this guy here . He’s a “everyday working class guy” he tells it like it is to people like myself that can relate to his talking points . He made a comment in this video that he just turned 60 just like myself and I personally see every week at our local tournaments “kids” 22-27 years old with their “rigs” 2023-2024 Duramax Trucks , Skeeters, Falcons etc and these guys are so cool they won’t even talk to their old little league baseball coach let alone a old man now . Some of these guys work construction a few at the utility company and most of their wives work as hair dressers and all have at least 2 kids . The picture they paint is “were on top of the world” at our age 22-27 which makes us old guys think how did it take us nearly a lifetime to have used stuff and they got it new and now . I think this is what this video is about and he’s spot on cause it doesn’t take long for these kids “house” to fall because financially they can’t keep it up then the family splits a part and they never get out of the hole they dug for themselves. Our local banks are in on it too cause they loan the money at almost 8% knowing their 22-27 cool kids are just one (hiccup)away from financial ruin . See it everyday. Good channel Dale thank you .

  21. I went to Bass Pro 2 days ago to pick up a reel and a few certain colors of lures, and I waited for like 15 to 20 minutes, and I couldn't get anyone to try to help me find what I was looking for. So whenever I finally had someone look at me, I dropped off what I had in my hands and walked out feeling like JM owed me money for wasting my time. But I did get almost everything I wanted plus a couple of old wigglewarts in the box at the fleamarket yesterday. Thanks for taking time and making these videos. I want to see some bass fishing with some Mitchell 300s and some heddon rods.

  22. I think randy was talking about in terms of what the stock market shows and according to the main stream narrative. Hes well aware boats are overpriced and was talking about his next boat was gonna be a older boat with a 150 on it.

  23. the economy does absolutely suck, boats are definitely too expensive. All 100 percent valid points. There are tons of new boats and used boats. Manufacturers DID mess up for sure. Lets not, however, forget that the bass fisherman and the consumerism society most people live in, see the 300 dollar payment for 12 years (crazy) as well as boaters demanding more. Covid, definitely had a piece of the action here — cant keep printing money. You are right about all the supply demand. the first thing to fall is commercial real estate. Check into that if you really wanna pucker your butt. Best thing to do is get as debt free as possible, save up and ride it out.

  24. democrats are funny like that. bro there is rebates on basically anything and everything they are trying to sell and its only going to get better for buyers and worse for sellers. let it burn. 80k for new truck or boat.. when wages are stagnant like super stagnant.. people owning these companies and even us letting govt over regulate has caused this bs. so ya i dont care if it all crumbles. i dont need them and never have. there a movement mgtow.. its going to get worse a lot worse in future. over 7 million able bodied men have already quit the workforce. wait till it starts hitting infrastructure.. everyone better learn to do everything on their own.

  25. Same boats have been sitting for months at the dealership
    Please let Randy know the economy sucks
    In 2003 me and my wife bought a Bullet 20XD with a Mercury 200
    We paid $33000 for the boat on a carpenter’s salary with also had two young boys .
    For the same boat today closer to $90,000 or more
    Again tell Randy to quit blowing smoke up my ass
    I don’t watch his channel anymore

  26. Everyone needs to understand that this economy is all by design ! Our criminal government aligned with the top six big banks are rolling up all the value in our economy ! They will crash the markets and use all that covid money ( Tax Payer dollars) that was given to the too big to fail banks to buy up all up with ! These are criminal ! Time to wake up ! Randy is very intelligent, but for him to say the economy is good just shows he is part of the team ! They are all in our governments and our corporate world ! You probably sit next to one in the office next to you ! They are traitors in my view ! Because they think they should have there communist utopia and you should have nothing. Go listen to the head of the world economics forum where he said you will own nothing, you will have nothing and you will like it ! Time to wake up people !

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