Fast and furious action at Bass Champs (BassChamps ?) on Toledo Bend. My buddy Chet Slaydon found a huge group of small keepers in the very tail end of….welll a guys cow pasture. This is some crazy action, we then went out to the main lake to cull and spun not one hub, but two hubs, first one cutting our fishing day short by about an hour, and the second one causing us to be unable to make the weigh in. Some great slow motion action, especially on a 4 1/2 absolutely crushing a swimbait 3 casts in a row before Chet gets a hook in her.
#kensmithfishing #tinboatfishing #toledobendbassfishing
Next week babyyyy
Good lord y'all in someone's pasture!
Very informative, very cool, sub your way, have a great season from Forrest Outdoors. Check us out when you have time.
Could you show a few examples of John Hope funnel points on a contour map? Love the channel
Was the pasture footage in Lanan?
I'll be up at toledo on the Louisiana side next weekend. Any tips? We'll be midlake not far from the bridge. Probably put in at cypress Bend if it's not jammed. Where should we go and what should we throw? Thanks in advance….
Good footage Ken! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the video! I look forward to going to Texas to fish Sam Rayburn! I hope my West Coast bass style can catch some fish there. Lol.
Good video ken has the water started to come down any ?
Great video reminds me of Falcon when its high
Good content, i really like the TB reports! My weekend home playground.
What kind of boat were you guys fishing out of? Looked like maybe an Xpress tin rig?
Don’t need anymore syrup in that milk… yikes
Fantastic video Congratulations.

Fishing is show!
Good looking water. That looked fun
What’s the water temp where y’all were fishing?
When it rains it pours my old granny used to say. You just lived it my brother!