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TINY Walmart Fishing Rod and Reel Challenge!

The Pyt came home with a Tiny proficiency rod from Walmart, and now I ma curious if it is a scam. Now the results are in and it is time to send it to someone else and start a new traveling collaboration!

Arms Family homestead –


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  1. Zoom, Yum and Ozark Trail in a Walmart challenge? Are you sure Sarah hasn't secretly joined the Googan Squad? lol
    That gear should be key for slamming bluegill and pinfish! Take it out in P Bay and hit some mangroves! Off-shore jigging?

  2. Great video CMR & PYT! That was so awesome, watching Ron reel so fast, it’s like the best workout he’s had in years. Lol. You need to make sure whoever gets it, tags you so we can watch.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Me and my father caught more than a few nice crappie on little ice fishing rods. We used them fishing in a tunnel that goes under a railroad here in Virginia.

  4. Never make fun of another fisherman's gear. There is an excellent chance you will be out fished and have a fun story to tell too. That little rod is kind of cute though. This is a FUN video!!!

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