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This Tiny Pond Has Big Bass

This Tiny little pond has some 2-3 pound Bass! I don’t know how the Bass are getting so big in such a small pond but it’s great for me! #Fishing #FISHAHOLIC #Pond

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  1. I got my first 11 lb bass when I was just a kid I wish we had cell phones back then to have a pitcher I never forgot how big the largemouth bass was I didn't even know what it was at the time I just saw it off in the distance of the dock I had a top water wit 3 hooks across now just looking to catch bass again but the bass look good 👍 there

  2. The reason why the aerator is on top and not the bottom because if the pawn is too deep they will not put a bottom aerator in it will be a fountain because the pond is deep

  3. Try you a pearl fluke split tail with no weight… bout 3° gama hook and work along those edges! You'll throw rocks at those cranking baits … pack of zoom pearl flukes… try em bro

  4. Try to let the fish eat it a bit longer and lip the fish and don’t let it flop in the grass. And all of us that have commented can’t stress enough that you need wetttt handssss not dry. You were talking about how healthy the fish were try to keep it that way. Other than that pretty good fish a big one will change you life. 10 ponder baby😃

  5. Hey man Idk why these people wanna talk crap on you just trying to fish and have a fun time but I like what your doin on your channel so keep up the good work

  6. Good video. The longer you do this, the larger a bass will have to be to make you think of it as huge. If you ever catch a 10 pounder, you will never be the same.

  7. How does this guy know so much about fish yet don’t wet his hand before touching them and talks about how healthy they are not for long like that you monster.

  8. Good video man! I love your enthusiasm, even just fishing a tiny pond. I've fished Northern Utah and Nevada my entire life, only fishing for trout. Just recently I got sent out of town for work to Southern Utah, and kept trying to fish for trout. Well, the park ranger laughed at me after I told him I kept getting skunked, he said, the water is too warm for trout. We only have Bass down here. I've never fished for bass (and I'm 37) I need some good advice on techniques and lure types.

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