On this adventure, I explored a river teeming with aggressive Musky, Pike, and Smallmouth Bass! In this action-packed video, I tried out the NEW Bass Pro Shops XPS Comeback Shad for the first time. Enjoy!
0:00 – The Comeback Shad
0:50 – On the Board
02:44 – Instant Hit
05:18 – Quick Hit
07:00 – Attack!
09:25 – Comeback Shad Review
11:18 – An Esox Joined the Party
13:43 – Rod & Reel Setup
15:20 – Biggest?
17:24 – What is behind the Rock?
18:46 – Last One
Follow me on Instagram!
Instagram ————— https://www.instagram.com/sotayakfishing/
*Filming Equipment Used*
GoPro 8 ————— https://amzn.to/3WKiDtS
Front Camera Battery ————— https://amzn.to/3JIPie3
Head Camera Battery ————— https://amzn.to/3PMnXeF
Phone Mount ————— https://amzn.to/44B5juG
Front Cam Mount ————— https://amzn.to/3rl988P
GoPro Case ————— https://3brpowersports.com
Drone ————— https://amzn.to/3Rf8Zhh
*Fishing Gear Used*
Lure ————— https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-xps-comeback-shad-swimbait-rigged?searchTerm=comeback%20shad
Rod ————— https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-johnny-morris-carbonlite-technique-casting-rod
Reel ————— https://amzn.to/3WEq7Qx
*Kayak Equipment Used*
Yak Attack Crate ————— https://amzn.to/3NFS2Kg
Life Vest ————— https://amzn.to/44DrHnb
Anchor ————— https://amzn.to/3XFZN7y
Anchor Battery ————— https://amzn.to/3XJ6khG
Anchor Pole ————— https://amzn.to/3NIZ1Sz
#fishing #bassfishing #swimbaitfishing #kayakfishing #riverfishing
Splasher/ A Lick and Promise/ courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Swif7/ Nobody Else/ courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Fat smallies up in anoka
NICE musky
short shank mustad work great
Nice musky!
Nice video!
hey dude, saw you down at the access with my buddy couple weeks ago we had a flat bottom. Sweet videos! Would love to link up some time!
Fantastic fishing….love how you carefully handle each fish! thanks!
High Noon
Absolutely fantastic fishing , what is your opinion do you think the small mouth bass hit the swimbait at the head like from the front or do they try and swallow it from the back?