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This may be the Biggest PROBLEM in PRO Bass FISHING – NO one is Talking About

In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into what might be the biggest problem in professional bass fishing that no one is talking about. With the rise of live tournament coverage on Bassmaster, Major League Fishing (MLF), and countless YouTube channels, more anglers are heading to the exact spots where pros and YouTubers are catching big bass. But is it right or wrong to “steal” these fishing spots? We explore the ethics of spot-poaching, how it impacts the sport, and what it means for the future of bass fishing. Whether you’re a tournament angler, weekend warrior, or just love watching fishing content online, this is a topic that affects us all. Join the conversation and let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. So, let me just make sure I got this logic. A Pro can fish anywhere on a body of water they want even though they may have never been there before, and because they are fishing Gods, it's now off limits to others even if they have been fishing that spot for decades? Then we have the YouTubers making a buck on the same water I'm fishing, and because they made a video, I can never fish in this area, too? So, before I go on any body of water, I must research to ensure no Pro or YouTuber has been on that spot, even though I don't watch tournaments? There are no secret spots. Our egos tell us there are, but there are not. People have been fishing in these waters for decades. And no one owns the water. Do I like seeing people where I fish? No, of course not, but how much of an arrogant ass do I have to be to think I'm the only genius in the world that found it. Pros watch YouTube videos of lakes they are going fish to find spots all the time. In early 2000, KVD used one of my " secret spots " in a tournament. Can I never go back there even though I fished it first in the 1990's? Intelligent people know just because you caught fish in a spot doesn't mean I can catch fish there. I have several well-known YouTubers who fish in the same waters I do. These are small lakes of no more than 300- to 600 acres. They wave and ask what's going on. We share where we are catching them and what baits, then go back fishing. No fuse, no fighting. One of these YouTubers created a fishing company ( not my favorite) with other YouTubers. I agree people need to do their homework and not just watch to find where NDYakAngler spots are, but when you're talking lakes and big rivers, give me a break. These are some serious first-world problems.

  2. Mikey I'm in California I watch it for the sheer enjoyment of catching fish and enjoying the day with your dog. You're fishing tips are freaking awesome. We don't have a lot of grass in our Lakes but there's a couple in the tournament trail that I do that have grass and guess what buddy your tips have helped. So I say thank you and keep it up. Also hey YouTube this is a pay Mikey comment

  3. I like watching your videos because of Swimsuit girl (LOL) and next to pick up some new techniques. I don't pay attention to where you are fishing because you normally catch some small fish. LOL!!! Unless one of your buddies put you on the big ones. LOL!!!

  4. i think learning the process is way better than grabbing spots, fishing known(stolen) spots is kind of like the one trick pony it gets boring quick as those spots get trashed. the lake i fish on it happens all the time though folks will see someone fishing a spot and yup the next few days someone will be hitting it. guess we are lucky there are so many fish and if it's a good spot and a few get eaten off of it some more fish will filter in to take their place. the seasons help the fish out to depending on the time of year a great spring spot might suck in the fall. tight lines. keep them guessing keep a big old 1lb chunk of lead or a brick get all bent up on it as boats go by in dead water just to mess with folks.

  5. I've never thought about looking at the area in the video to steel a spot, it never crossed my mind. I like to try and draw something new from the videos that will add to my techniques and processes used to find and catch bass. I'm trying to expand my techniques as I have been fishing the same 4 or 5 for many years, so gathering tips from people like you is a valuable asset for people like me (stuck in my ways) Thanks for the tips!

  6. I have fished spots I have seen in videos. I have only really done it if I am having a hard time finding them. Really what I watch videos for is to try and get an idea of what was your process of finding the spot or conditions. Only 1 or 2 youtubers ever make videos on my local lake. It is not very popular and not really good either. I watch videos to gain an understanding of the thought process of where you are looking for bass and why. I have a few spots I stop by nearly every time I hit the lake. Sometimes they are occupied. Only so much water on a lake and I promise you that your spot is also someone else's spot as well, especially on more popular lakes. I just started fishing a couple years ago after I retired so I am well behind almost every other angler on the lake and I am always solo and know no other anglers. I pay attention to where I see others fishing and then try to figure out why they chose that spot. Not to "steal" it but to understand it. In the process I will graph it and fish it. If it was a good spot I try to find other spots similar. I don't want your spot or your fish. I want your knowledge.

  7. I have a buddy that guides on headwaters and when he posts pic he blurs out the background.
    I watch your videos to how to fish the baits and you technique. Altho I won't lie when I saw you did a video in lake place fl where I live and never even thought if trying to find the location.
    But I have seen videos on placid lake and guys are fishing all my spots and I'm thinking why the heck you showing all my holes on a video

  8. I have never once gone to a spot I have seen on Youtube or anything like that. I fish the St Lawrence river up in Clayton usually two trips a year. (it used to be more), I just don't do it. I like to do the work as much as all the other parts of fishing. I enjoy casting, the work is all good for me. I have fished locations that pros have fished, but usually it is a place I fished prior to seeing it. I have been going to the st Lawrence since the days when a 2lb smallmouth was respectable. That was pre goby fishing. But if I had a channel and provided fishing content I would not mind someone using it to find fish. I don't like to have to rely on previous spots to catch fish, I will go back, don't get me wrong. But I love finding new spots, so to me it's all good if someone wants to fish where I fished and caught them.

  9. There always have been and always will be people who just try to fish spots they see someone else on. It happens on our smaller lakes up in WI all the time. They might do well now and then, but they always lack the understanding to figure the fish out when things change.

  10. If you choose to give your spot away to monetize it, then respectfully, it’s on you brother. You put it online and it’s gonna get smashed. Everyone is watching with different intentions. I do appreciate your videos!! Killer info and always an honest opinion! Preciat ya

  11. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been at my home lake and the only one catching fish and my spot got beat up. I don’t mind helping anyone out but at some point it becomes very irritating when people do what you do

  12. Been liking the Big EZ with a belly weighted hook in the pads. Feel like I can move it faster, it stays true, and I get different reactions from the fish, which helps me catch them.

  13. FFS is simply proving the adage is true. Location is more important than any other detail in fishing. Baits rod reel are all irrelevant if the fish aren’t there. People will always follow people who are catching fish.

  14. I watch several guys on YouTube to learn tricks, new baits, etc. I actually received 4 of the Libero baits you showed a few days ago. I live about 40 minutes away from Mink Creek in scottsboro. I don’t watch the videos find spots on the lake. I basically scan with my eyes and sonar to decide were I think the fish are.

  15. nothing is yours on the lake you cant get upset when someone goes and fishes a spot you featured in a video. if you dont like that stop putting every spot on youtube. its also funny to me that people think other people dont fish their spots other people know.

  16. Sometimes i watch to check out other people's strategies or lure preferences but its mainly just to absorb fishing content, which is good for the soul

    I never seek out spots I've seen online but i have seen spots I've fished before on a couple videos and been to those spots since..

    Now if i go near these places, I watch other boaters and wonder if they are looking for those spots…

  17. What I’ve found fishing tournaments for year is if you think fishing “other people’s spots” never works out. Unless you fishing the green can on the st. Lawrence river 😂. Love the content and agree figuring your own patter off of something you see in a YouTube video is ok.

  18. Look what happened to OH Ivey a lake that maybe saw 30 boats a month suddenly had 300 a day. That can be bad for a fishery. Things will change quickly. I watch for techniques that can be applied across many lakes. There are 9000 lakes in FL that all have populations of bass that can be caught using your specific ways. I don't need to be in the exact spot. A lake like Okeechobee doesn't matter because it changes from year to year.

  19. Yes… how to break down water. I'd love more of that… not so much focusing on a technique, but how u decide what spot to pick, what technique to use… especially stuff without electronics. I'm a kayak and bank fisherman. I'm in MA, so none of your spots are relevant to me. I do like to know different bodies of water to fish from other YouTube, but not their spots on that body of water, just what publicly accessible ponds, rivers, lakes… and where to park/launch.

  20. In surfing it’s called “blowing up the spot”
    When someone shows up to your secret wave with a camera and throws it up on the internet. It used to be taboo to show up to low key places and exploit them for your own gain and invite the whole world in, it ruins some of the best spots whatever people enjoy them for. But now we live in the Instagram era, nothing is sacred

  21. There are people who only watch videos to see if they can find where it is. It's crazy that people will bypass all the good Nuggets in the video to just find where you are.

  22. You should do like jimbo on Lanier and have some free content and have some pay subscription content. To quote the best character in any movie ever- if you’re good as something don’t do it for free- heath ledger’s joker.

  23. I enjoy the fact that you show how and what you do not the spot. But i see the depth the grass and lack of grass. I fish Gville all the time but our fishing style is so different but similar in the same. I dont try to find where you fish i use some of your tech to find and catch fish

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