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This Is The BEST Swimbait To Use For Pond Fishing!

Hello everyone and welcome back. In today’s video I go over why I think the DRT Tiny Klash is the best swimbait to use at your local ponds, and show the footage to backup my claim. I hope you all enjoy!


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  1. Awesome video bro love fishing swimbaits what color way dis u use on this video i kept trying to zoom in to see the color way bit couldn't quite get it i did find the drt tiny klash on ebay bit seller has so many color way im planning on getting the juvenile shinner color and the color u use on this view im located in central Florida

  2. Good video definitely been having my eye out for this bait can't never get my hands on them. What reel are you using this bait is so versatile so you really can't be mad at the price and etc…. Tight lines

  3. I have the chrome one that ive been throwing around in AZ but they just dont want it. I get bit on a bunch of other glides just not the TK i work it so similarly like yours. I use the short lip with the vtail Any tips?

  4. I Custom paint the knock offs of the Tiny klash, Amazing bait if you keep the lip in, the lip out is a little wonky, but as long as you clear coat INSIDE the joints they dont fill with water, ive sold over 20 last year had zero complaints, only people wanting more, or telling friends.

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