In today’s video, Geoff is talking about the world famous swimbait, the Deps 250 and breaks down its origin and why it is considered the greatest glide bait of all time!
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I'm new to SB fishing but giving it a try this fall/winter. I bought my first Deps 250 for 8,800 JPY while visiting Japan. With the 148JPY/$1USD ex rate it costed $60!! I probably should have bought 2 as I paid $60 for one SPRO KGB Shad. I've got a Loomis 8' SWBR but it's the 965 Med Hvy rated 2-6 oz. I bought it to manage SB's in the 2-3 oz zone. Probably not enough rod for this 6 oz bait, but I'll give it a whirl. It's probably just being new to SB's but spending $400-500 on a rod just for this monster bait doesn't make a lot of sense to me….but a double digit plus would change my mind. haha
Allan Cole was the founder and godfather of the giant Swimbait revolution and the original AC plug way back in the 1980s, 40 years ago, in Southern California. I know because was in on it back then at Lake Castaic and Lake Pyramid, and Silverwood, when only a small bunch of tackle shops carried his handmade custom plugs. Coles AC plug was the first. There was a hidden cult of a handful of dedicated local hardcore crazies like myself who would fish all hours of the day and night in remote canyon lakes and out in the desert aqueduct for big stripers throwing his AC trout into the boils and getting some really big stripers. The good old days. Most of this group didn't go publicizing our catches. Unfortunately some of my biggest bass and stripers that were in the 40+ lbs and a few in the 50lb class weren't photographed as this was a decade before cell phone cameras. In 1985, i caught and released a 20 lb largemouth from lower castaic one night on a Manns electric blue jumbo jelly worm. It was weighed on my friends scale…40 years later and I'm still chasing monster stripers in Central Tennessee rivers and lakes with giant swim and glide baits. I moved to E. Tennessee specifically to chase these amazing fish. Just got a good one a few nights ago maybe 25 lbs…..Your videos are excellent and informative and I subscribed. I see you live in PHX. When I lived in Phoenix in the early 1990s, there wasn't a whole lot of lakes and rivers there, besides Saugaro or Roosevelt, I don't even remember if I ever fished lake pleasant?? Or if you could, wasn't it fenced off? I usually drove to the Colorado river to chase the stripers. I did like lake Mary up in Flagstaff tho for the pike. I starting now to collect a nice collection of swim and glide baits and thats all I'm throwing now. There's a local guy making some phenomenal custom swim/gliders here and sells them very inexpensively for like $30. They look better than real trout or real shad. My new "go to baits". Keep up the great videos….
wow, 20 lb test on a 6 oz lure? Ever concerned about breaking off?
Manny IS an OG!
Both of you guy were probably my first two swimbait guys I ever subscribed to!
You were just a little kid.
I fish more like the butch brown way
Would you recommend starting with the 175 then jump into the 250?
Got the very last Butch Brown Bass Deps 250 on the site! Can’t wait to unleash this bad boi on Lake Chickamauga. Not to many guys really use a big time swimbait or glide out here. I’ve absolutely crushed on the 7” glides. We gonna find out!!
Baitsanity explorer gen 2 has a better motion and arguably better in every way. …….oh and it's $100 cheaper
What color is this 250?
What color is that?
Love your videos bud! I am new to swim bait fishing and I live up in New England and we don’t really see giant fish up here. But I was wondering if it dips to 50 would be a good fit for me for catching lake 4 to 6 pounders? I catch them on 7 inch quads and even smaller fish. I just want a glide that gets the most followers and bites. I’ve tried the small ones like 168 S waivers and I don’t get a lot of followers or bites.
Great video! Just picked up my first 250. Upgraded the rings to #6 Hyperwire and the hooks to St36BC 3X 1/0. Now I’m afraid to throw it though. This thing costs way too much to get it hung up. And I’m good at getting baits hung up. Went with the Pro Blue Shiner over a trout pattern. Seems like that color has enough flash and mimics different baitfish pretty well. But I’ll be grabbing a trout pattern ASAP.
I wait and fish it on the bottom at 20-25ft in ultra clear water near trees and they crush it the only problem Is hooking the fish consistently. Also fish it on the surface like a 10in lunker punker.
Best rod to throw this 250 and islide 262?
That and the S Waver are hard to beat
Awesome presentation Geoff that Deps is on my wish list, you hear Santa? "Yeah i heard ya but if i were you use the stimulus money for that!"-
Great video! Just got my email from working class zero!! DRT drop coming soon!
Good content!!! Give it privileges'!!!!
Lost one once its tough to watch was able to get a replacement though have the largemouuth bass pattern and a butch brown trout love those baits have caught a few fish but still no DD one day though im just one cast away Great Info!!! Cheers!!!

Roman made may be the best just harder to get lol.
Every time a new vid comes out the card comes out real quick. Just ordered the butch brown gizzard shad 145 and jointed claw nakahira ugui. Pretty excited since those are some pretty sick colors. Hopefully a butch brown trout comes in soon, really want one of those.
Totally should have and thought you were gonna throw it in the tank!
Nice breakdown man! I need to get my hands on some now!