I set out on a mission to catch one of the biggest fish in the world!
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kayak ——————————— https://bit.ly/618_fishing_sportsman
Cast net —————————– https://amzn.to/2MzKeuy
Merch——————————— https://618fishing.com/
car rod holder——————— https://amzn.to/2WPwJM5
backpack ————————— https://amzn.to/2L3a2yj
silver reel ————————— https://amzn.to/2CgotdX
black reel—————————- discontinued
favorite Lure———————– https://tinyurl.com/y8r37ayv
Favorite Reel———————– https://amzn.to/2WQb8S3
spinning rod———————— https://amzn.to/2HYcgQ1
hoodie——————————— https://tinyurl.com/y7q4fdu8
jacket———————————- https://tinyurl.com/y8gmkmye
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Camera Gear*
Drone———————————- https://amzn.to/30Cvott
Big Camera————————- https://amzn.to/2G7Iqp8
GoPro——————————— https://amzn.to/3lv6ViR
LAV Mic—————————— http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k
lens————————————- https://amzn.to/2WMLPA1
adapter——————————- https://amzn.to/2WMM26h
Editing software—————– https://amzn.to/2WSjR6h
Big Camera Mic—————— http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb
Small Tripod———————– http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv
Big Tripod————————— http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8
Zoom lens————————– http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b
#fishing #spillway #monsters
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The Okuma battle cat is one of my absolute favorite rods! From cats to grouper it’s fantastic!
That river looks beautiful. I would loved to have fished it with you! Nice catfish and mean mouth! I wonder if there are any smallmouth in all that current too?!
Don’t like the looks of all that old rebar sticking out of old concrete. Serious snags!
Think that was a pumpkinseed sunfish
Look at them beautiful cats baby!!! Great job
I love you!
One day you need to make a trip to Selkirk Manitoba for Channel Catfish.
Those Blue Catfish look like a really hard fighting fish. Just got back from Thailand where I had Amazon Red Tail Cats to 50lb, proper fighters that give you a tough work out! Also saw an Aussie guy called Dennis fight and successfully land a 130lb Giant Mekong Cat, he uses a special harness as he only has one arm and I had to watch in admiration as he managed to get in the net a species that destroyed me later in the day
I love the way you release your fish really cool thank you
I love ur content man u deserved that fish! keep up the good work!
Awesome spot Nick! After this water goes back down it’ll be a good place to try again, kinda like the river resetting itself
Never by your pole when the big ones hook on
I would like to have you mention what river systems or resivoir spillways you are fishing.
Though I don't fish central Illinois since I live by the Chain O Lakes in Northern IL – I would still like to know if any of the central Illinois systems or MO systems are actually worth checking out.
Still, some really nice blue cats!
5 seconds into the video And I know what he's gonna fish for. they aren't open here where I am right now, but man I've hooked probably 30 in the last month
This place looks amazing
I think that one beautiful fish was called a Dollar Sunfish. What an incredible looking species
niceeeeeeeee brother nice fish
How could you catch the Blue Catfish and not eat it?
that was a wonderful adventure. One of the the best
Nice little pumpkin seed that colorful sunfish awesome colorings
That pretty little sunfish is a Pumpkinseed. They're fun!
Do you folks use penn conventional reels in the states? Reels like the jig master and senator 4/0, and if so what’s the rod setup and target species. Question from Oahu
new fishing Rod
blue gilly.
great stuff Nick thanks
Guy catches one big catfish and goes on a whisker seeker shopping spree!lol
I like how after every fish you say, “see ya later buddy.” Shows such a great appreciation and respect for the fish. You are truly what being a fisherman and conversationalist is about! Keep up the great content brother!
Long ear sunfish are the best flathead bait you can get,even if they are pretty
If you want to get sturgeon come on up to Wisconsin
It was good to see the ARCH again. TY Nick.
Another epic give it your all video Nick. Bravo sir a very sincere adventure.
Another great day of fishing with multiple species of fish not a a waste of a trip at all! Thanks for taking us along Nick! Have a fun and safe weekend and take care Nick! See you next adventure!
You always have great music in your videos. Keep up the great stuff!
Missouri's clear waters produce some absolutely beautiful sunfish epically pumpkin seed. It's a bit of a drive from the 618 but I totally recommend you make your way to the gasganade. I think you'd be amazed by the fish there
Be careful don’t want to slip and land on some metal sticking out of those rocks.
Hey Nick.
When will you fish the spillway of the video posted 29 May 2020 again?
You caught a few big ones there?
I’ve been fishing for lake sturgeon. Used a lot of big nightcrawlers on a circle hook. We never had to wait long for bites. Also here’s a tip that could be useful, while a catfish will but a real bend in the rod, the sturgeon bites were always very subtle and gentle. Even a 35lbs fish would gently tap the line so I had to hold my finger on the line so I wouldn’t miss a bite
Gobs of a mix of native night crawlers & earth worms is what you need to use.
Last two spillways been the best ever since iv started watching u I’d get a 5 gallon bucket and get a bunch of thoes green ear and all live baits and on very big 2x hook full skip jack big baits big fish brother
Hope to see you go back and try for that steregon
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