Tips N Tricks

These Lures Are ALL YOU NEED For Post-Frontal Fishing!!!!

Bass fishing after one of the many spring storms can be a challenging time. But with a few adjustments it can be much easier to catch a limit of bass than you might think. Post frontal conditions doesn’t mean the bass stop biting. It just means that we need to approach bass fishing a little bit differently. In this video, we’ll look at some proven tips and tricks to put fish in the boat fast! #fishing #bassfishing #fishingtips

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  1. One of the best days I ever had was immediately after a huge storm. I was sitting in the truck waiting for the storm to pass and headed out as soon as we could and had a great time. I know that isn’t the same as post frontal bluebird days but it was something I will never forget.

  2. I almost never go fishing after a storm since the ground around the lake is muddy to walk in and it's hard to catch fish. It has rained here a lot lately so I'm going to try again next chance I get

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