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The Worst Thing To Ever Happen To Bass Fishing| It’s all a MYTH!

Fishing electronics have become one of my favorite things about our sport. Electronics add another layer of curiosity and require a extra level of understanding in order to compete with. Don’t be lazy. Understand why fishing electronics will never go away and will always be a part of bass fishing.

I use Garmin Electronics

My Units

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#sonarbasics #sideimaging #identifybass


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  1. Thanks for all the comments here! Make no mistake about this mindset. There’s only a handful of anglers that will understand this conversation. There’s even fewer that will take the information and put it to use. The biggest take away I want young anglers and aspiring pros have is this : DO IT ANYWAY! You don’t have a choice. Don’t wait until you have all the right equipment. You gotta go now! You have to pursue before you have livescope. You have to pursue before you have a good enough boat. You have to pursue before you have enough money. Everyone on this thread saying the playing field isn’t level is poisonous to your purpose. Somewhere in the world there’s someone willing to do more than you with less than you. It would be a shame to let someone with less than you beat you! DO IT ANYWAY! Don’t wait, don’t complain, don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better. It’s not like you have a choice anyway!

  2. B Lat have you made a video about how to fish electronics. I have a lowrance and really cant seem to get it…… guessing if you have or will make a video that would help greatly. on another note when are you bring your school to the Atlanta area without being at Lake Lanier? Let me know.

  3. In other things called sports they do try to make the playing field level. Maybe bass fishing isn't actually a sport. I believe it can be but if I go by everything I've been taught my entire life about sports (and so have most people) if someone has an advantage that's not physical or mental it's most likely cheating. Im just going by any reasonable person's definition of a sport. Now If it's not considered a sport then anything goes. But for something to be a sport most people would agree everyone needs access to the same tools to play the sport. Why don't mlb players use aluminum bats?

  4. I'm kinda in between.. I think it just gives an edge so to speak… But I'll be honest.. I'd luv to see a pure skill/knowledge bass fishing contest… Just put ur boat in.. And go fishing.. No electronics allowed…

  5. I can see both sides of the argument and I can stay neutral. Technology always makes work quicker and easier. In golf, there are always new clubs and new balls to let you hit it farther, spin it more, and putt it in the cup. But, they do put limitations on this technology. Clubs and balls must conform to strict manufacturing and testing standards. They can only go so far with the technology. Can they make a driver and ball to hit it 500 yards….sure. But they will not let that happen. I do not see any restrictions so far with bass fishing technology/electronics. Right now anything goes and everything is allowed as far as electronics goes. And I am fine with that.
    Now…. I grew up bass fishing where you had to know what time of day, what area to go to, what depth to fish, understand barometric pressure, etc. in order to be successful. You would pull up to a point or brush pile and cast for 30 minutes plus before not catching fish and moving on to you next spot. Now you pull up to your spot, check your panoptics, and either get a lure wet or move on. Is this technology taking the “sport” out of fishing? Should there be limitations on this technology??? That’s not my decision to make; but how far will this technology go before fishermen say enough is enough.

  6. It’s technology in general. I hated lugging a cell phone around for a while. Got used to it. I hated my cell phone being able to allow me to see my emails. Got used to it. I hated getting text messages and people expecting an instantaneous response. Got used to it. He is right. People hate change. Electronics are just tools. Mine are old and very out of date but I’m not feeding my family at the end of a fishing rod. This guy is.

  7. wait a min I just looked at this guy randy and what he had to say about Electronics but yet he has a huge expensive bass boat with electronics on it I can't afford nothing like that at all thats a 70k plus bass boat so the way I see it he should donate it to me so i can compete with Brian to be the top dog Im sure with his setup I could do it even though I know nothing about fishing techniques when I did fish as a kid in Beaufort SC it was for survival so we threw a net out and took home enough for months .and thats my skill level so If i understand him right I should be able to compete with the guys at Brian's level with the gear that he has.

  8. id probably have more respect for your opinion if you didnt jump ship after the flw/mlf merger, basically you looked at the field over there of absolute hammers from top to bottom and took the easy way out fishin bass opens tryin to get to a level where someone like matt arey is an "elite angler". instead of havin the sack to stay and go against the best in the world, while a young kid like alton jones jr is goin against the best and rippen it up. you saw these names and got scared you wouldnt make any loot. kvd, defoe, lucas, lee, ike, mdj, tharp, duckett, rose, gagliardi, evers, hackney, ehrler, thrift, morgan, wheeler, lane, rojas, reese and the list goes on, jist say you saw those names and got scared. the BASS circuit is minor leagues compared to mlf

  9. By all means bring the playing field down to my level, it's too much work to strive to reach the level it's at right now and while you're at it I want a trophy no matter where I finish…

  10. B-lat
    Can you get anymore real. Your commentary is spot on!
    The flip side I see all the time is the guy that has 10k in electronics and can’t catch a fish. You can’t buy angling skill it must earned. You covered the rest of it with time on the water and learning from mistakes and success.

  11. I've been on both sides as well. I fished out of my 12' Jon boat for Years with 0 electronics, learned the lake, and hammered them there. You're right B-Lat. This is America, I saved enough money and got a better job to get a bass boat, with electronics everywhere. I worked my way there. Like you said, not my fault that you can't afford it. That's not up for debate, you can find a way.

    I've said it since I bought my first Humminbird Pirhanna 4. Electronics don't make a bad angler good, they make a good/devoted angler better.

    Nothing wrong with fishing any way you want. I like to use livescope and SideVu out deep. That's me. Most of my friends like to fish shallow because they don't have the means to buy electronics. Fishing is fishing, it will never be catching. Confidence is everything. If you have confidence in what you're doing, you will do well.

    Very well said B-Lat. Always enjoy watching you.

  12. I think boats loaded with $20,000K+ of electronics sets a bad example for professional bass fishing. People lay to the sport just look at it as insane and over the top. We have forgotten why we love fishing IMO.

  13. I commented on the post about “unfair field” and the example i made was…in football we would study film which everybody can study film it was our job to go out and make play and adjustments to beat our opponents whoever we were playing has thee same amount of time to study our film its about who goes out and makes those plays who practiced harder who processes information faster etc its the same thing in bass fishing

  14. Shit! I approach it the same way i started my business. Shoot first and aim second. I load my pond prowler in the back of the truck and spend a few hours on the lake as often as possible. Its an amazing escape

  15. i'd love to see tourneys with professional anglers only using a map, 2d sonar and DI. that way no one can use the excuse they were flying blind when their lack of natural talent and skill is highlighted. you don't have to be anti-electronics to believe there's a point where it gets ridiculous. although that's only a fraction of what the original video was speaking on.

  16. Show me a person who has purchased and or used livescope and comes back with an opinion against it. Just about 99% of people who talk them down really don’t know what livescope is and how it really affects fishing. They already have a false perceived notion before they even use it on their boat. They only see what they see on YouTube and YouTube fisherman only shows the great side of livescope. I own livescope and fish 2 times a week and 8 out of 10 times it doesn’t really help. Only if u enjoy seeing fish running from ur bait. 80% of the time I use it to target brush piles etc. I shallow water fish a lot and it still shines in shallow water. I could be fishing down a bank and my scope picks up a brush pile that I did not know was there and end up catching multiple fish on it through out the year. So u shallow water guys if u fish for a living your only showing your own ignorance by talking down on livescope or anyone who fished for a living for that matter. Honestly why u think people like Jacob wheeler dominates. He has hummingbird 360 he has garmin livescope and his original Lowrance wich he is sponsored by and he pays out of his pocket for the rest. He does this cause he smart and not hard headed and that is why he takes home the $ and u don’t. It’s not that he has more talent than u. He’s not hard headed like u! Lol

  17. I have much respect for randy and see what he’s saying but I 100% do not agree with him. He does not really state a good point at all. But at the same time I have much respect and love to hear what randy has to say and I’m a subscriber. B lats opinion on this topic in my opinion is 100$ right.

  18. 99% of people who talk down on it either can’t afford them or aren’t tech savvy but u don’t even have to be tech savvy. Any idiot can use garmins units! Besides if u can’t catch them before livescope well livescope won’t help u at all. In tournament fishing it’s a level playing field everyone fishes the same lake and have the options to have the same tools as everyone else. If u ask me basically your just stupid if u talk down on electronics. Hell who don’t want an edge on fishing. Fishing is tough enough as it is. B Lat hit it right on the $$.

  19. I'm going to say this. I worked my ass off putting out brush piles while guys sit home on the couch eating ice cream. They just spend money on electronics and come steal my spots. I don't put out brush piles no more because everyone finds them way to easy

  20. I assume you're responding to the opinion linked below. Big fan of yours, but I have a totally different take on this one. With the way electronics are heading, you might as well make cast nets and dynamite legal. Forget the level playing field, it takes the challenge and magic out if the sport. I want to go fishing, not play video games. I get SI and DI, but soon it will be like sticking a damn 1080p camera down there and seeing where all the fish are – is that what we really want from the sport? To each their own, but not me. Still a big fan, love ya!

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