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The Top January Bass Lures 90% Of Anglers Don’t Know About…

Randy talks about the top January Lures, nobody fishes with…#bassfishing #bass #angler #fishing #fishinglife #catchandrelease #winterfishing #fishingtrip

Please use my tackle warehouse links below the order any of the lures I was talking about in this video. Much appreciated!

Dark sleepers…

Z3 crank…

Wiggle wart…

Big spinnerbait…

Speed trap..

Need to order any fishing tackle? It would be much appreciated if you use my link:

Rods –
Reels –
Fishing Line –
Fishing Line 2 –
Trolling motor –
Electronics –
Power Poles –
Sunglasses –
Hard Baits –
Soft Baits –
Hooks –
Scents –


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Spinnerbait, Larger sized
    Crawdad crankbait, preferably suspending.
    Darksleeper, dragging or hopping
    BIG crankbait, again suspending
    Luhr Jensen Speedtrap

    Except the MB darksleeper on the list i would say that is a Typical list TOP-5 of an European angler. First of all we are not so into finesse fishing. Most fisherman are using reaction strike- type baits.
    I think they replace it with a BIG shad at least 7-8 inch.

  2. I was not a fan a few years ago, but you’ve became a daily fishing fix for me, love the old school mentality, strength and mental thought process! Big George from Florence, Alabama, holds you in high regard and so do I.

  3. Good information Randy hope you don’t mind a little additional input. fish the conditions, not spots.
    If you're fishing a spot just because you did great there, it's a matter of time before fish leave and you'll be left wondering why.
    They could leave for a lot of reasons, and cold & crappy weather could be one of them.
    Understanding bass you know cold water doesn’t bother them if it’s 45 degrees their bodies become 45 degrees and their metabolism slows so they will eat but they don’t want to expel energy to chase food. So remember this if a severe cold front comes through it will take them a bit to adjust their body temperature to the new temperature so they will be less active but on the other hand if it’s been cold but a steady cold for days they are already adjusted and will be more active. Also places like rip rap where rock a big rock is half in the sun and half in the water this will warm the water a degree or two fish will hold tight to it. If a strong cold wind is blowing out the northeast then fish northeast bank this bank is blocking the wind and will be just a lil warmer then the banks the ice cold wind is hitting. If you fishing deep with your lil mega midnight crawler or whatever you call it. Try this if water is not stable and fish haven’t adjusted yet when least active drag it very slow a few inches and stop let it sit for 30 seconds to a minute then drag few more inches the more stable the water is meaning doesn’t matter the temperature just that it’s been that temp for few days then fish lil faster. Also fish not eating big baits in winter just a myth. A ten pound bass will eat a 2 lb gizzard shad if it doesn’t have to chase it. Take a bell sinker 1oz feed line through but don’t tie it let it slide then tie on a big wake bait. Cast it to deep water. Once it hits bottom . Let slack in line causing bait to float up just a few inches then pull tight. This mimics a gizzard shad feeding I have caught several bass 7lbs up to 11 lbs like this in dead cold winter on guntersville and on Toledo bend. Enough tips good catches to everyone for the new year.

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