
The Sport Of Bass Fishing Has Changed …And It Ain’t Good…

Randy talks about the changes and bass fishing that are not good…#angler #fish #catchandrelease #bassmaster #bass #fishinglife #fishingdaily #fishingtrip

Lake map breakdowns…

Virtual lessons…

Baitwrx link..

Blaukat old school jig…

Blaukat Solar bat sunglasses link..


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  1. With all of the money being made by the development and sale of new technology, you are beating your head against the wall with this crusade. And tournament fishermen are the first in line to jump on anything new thinking it will give them an edge. Electronics, tackle, boats, it doesn’t matter. Sponsors will not support the solutions you propose.

  2. Come off being so arrogant, bass, mlf, and all these events don’t understand tradition, but I do. Who are you to decide what is tradition? You are using cutting edge Japanese lures, isn’t that cheating too?

  3. All good and valid points! I have to say there is a lot of contentment in fishing a lake without electronics, and, like u say, just a primal instinct to hunt and catch the big bass 🙂

  4. Definitely agree that tournaments need to be regulated. Definitely agree that environmental issues need to be addressed. The problem is we have a large percentage of elected officials that need to go. They are more concerned about gender and pronouns that they are about our national waterways. They are reaping financial benefits from their buddies that need laws it their favor. The only way to get rid of the worthless is to get term limits. The elected officials would never vote for that. We the people should make that decision thru a referendum at the ballot box.

  5. Maybe a regulation could be considered that during a Tournament Day, however many hours, 50% all electronics allowed, the second half with No electronics?
    It's possible to compromise on Our differences.

  6. Randy , i would love to make a video for information purposes
    Comparing forward facing hunting bass is worse live sonar to hunting deer and or spotlighting

    I love the comment you made

    We can make a mock video for creative purposes and make a “ sonar for hunting deer “

    If we had sonar spotting all the deer in the woods and using bait to bring them in , we would be locked up instantly

    No difference than using a live sonar on bass , and baiting them in

    It should be against the law and we can prove it

    Using live sonars to find bass in there safe areas should be illegal

    Just like if we were to hunt deer with live sonar and live bait

  7. Randy, I agree! I'm no expert about bass fishing but I have seen a few videos where young children (10 to 12 years of age) fishing on the bow of their daddy's boat while operating the trolling motor and their face buried in a live scope, scoping bass and catching them and then making comments like " If you're not scoping, you're hoping". That requires no talent and no skill, and teaches children, our future leaders, that they must rely on technology to be successful. Uh Oh, did someone mention artificial intelligence, I fear this stuff is going in the wrong direction! Like everything else in life, it can be used for good or evil depending on who's using it! And as far as other sports, NASCAR limits the motors and power trains on the race cars for safety and to keep racing competitive, the same should be applied to bass fishing, it's the developed skill and talent of the individual fisherman that should determine his success, not technology!

  8. This is not FFS or technology's fault. It's the erosion of water quality and overfishing. The number one problem? So many more people fish today than 30 years ago, and there is a tournament on every lake every week. Technology is a good thing. What Randy does not realize is 15k in 1978 was expensive as hell for a bass boat, for the demographic of people that fished. Now, people who are in the higher earner demographic want to bass fish and they will pay for technology. That's life brother.

  9. Randy, when are you going to understand that tournament fishing is bad for bass? National and Local tournaments in this country are at an all-time high killing thousands of fish every day and pulling fish off their beds during the breeding season. You are concerned about forward-facing sonar. The damage has been done my friend, forward-facing sonar just adds a little more icing on the cake. Stop the mortality rate!

  10. Bass fishing is probably the only sport that evolution is destroying the sport at a professional level. The 80’s and 90’s will b looked at as the golden age of professional bass fishing! Current tournament wins have become irrelevant. At some point, professional organizations will have to stand up for the integrity of the sport and place limits on the electronics and piss off the makers.

  11. Watching live you can’t hide what anglers like is similar to baits if a person wins with FLS then that’s the magic lure,but infractions of rules should be dealt with severely to keep it honest when less people watch live than it will change from the sponsors requirements an anglers responsibility to sell

  12. The water on Sam Rayburn has become so tainted that many people are getting infections from just swimming. The shallow water bass fishing has also become a lot tougher.

  13. John Cox and Keith Porche will become a rarity ! Randy your right any golfer can play the same course as a pro, they just have to adjust the tees. The rules are the same for every one and the truth be told I’m a retired golf professional and PGA member. Thanks Randy !

  14. Gosh, Randy, “Debbie downer”
    I started watching you because I’m 67 years old I fished tournaments in the late 70s and 80s. I do not tournament fish anymore unless it’s a local workingman‘s. There’s not as much pressure on those as far as forward facing sonar, as you describing a lot of your videos, most of us are just hometown boys fishing at a local lake .
    And in regards to other sports having standards and limitations, you definitely mentioned golf, and PGA,
    ever heard of the LIV Circuit ?? Changes!!well. You must not play golf I do, in tournaments, and there have been changes in equipment . if there hadn’t been upgrades in equipment we would all still be playing with 1965 Sam Snead, forged irons with tiny little heads that no one can hit, even those guys back then had a hard time hitting those clubs. Well now everyone is hitting drivers that the head is six times larger than they were back then they’re not made of wood anymore. They’re all titanium or ceramic or carbon fiber. The irons hit further than any clubs ever made the manufacturers have squeaked every ounce of what their limitations that have been set for the current pga regulations, and what times are, and it makes amateur golfers better as well. I digress I started watching your channel because you were an older guy. I related to some of your older tournament experiences, and I could find some knowledge that paralleled what I learned and how I learned to fish in the late 70s and early 80s, I still fish quite a bit. I go out in my kayak or my 18 foot bass boat which is not $100,000 and I go read the terrain. I read the water and I still catch fish and I enjoy myself. It almost seems like you have a burning inside you because some of the stuff bothers you so much that 80% of the stuff you’re talking about relates to professional tournament fishing only, I don’t watch your channel to learn about what’s going on in the current tournament world. I want you to get pertinent information on baits lures and techniques. That’s my two cents. Hope I didn’t piss you off.

  15. Back in the 80s and 90s I kept a notebook in my boat to record landmarks so I could triangulate and find areas that I thought would hold bass at different times of the year. That was my GPS.

  16. As someone that is indifferent to whether or not electronic technology gets banned, I can say that electronic technology is always going to be a part of tournament fishing, just like it is in all other sports. We're not going to go back to GPS/2D only , anymore than the PGA is going back to wooden drivers and rubber wound golf balls.

  17. All the PROS need to get on this page of banding this new tech , and if this does not happen it’s not going to change , y’all all have to band together , you can get more done in numbers mr Randy

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