Here’s a list of lures that you can take bass fishing and catch plenty of fish. They are perfect for the conditions of the month of May.
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Tackle used in this video –
Spinnerbait – Mini Me –
Swimjig – Greenfish Swimjig –
Buzzbait – HammerHead –
Zoom Horny Toad –
Rage Grub –
zoom trick worm –
Brian’s Bee Prop –
Greenfishing Beer Belly Prop –
ZMan Ned Jig –
ZMan Finesse TRD –
ZMan Jackhammer –
Strike King Thunder Cricket –
Yamamoto Senko –
Boat – Alumacraft Pro 185 –
Kayak – Bonafide SS127
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Those 13 Fishing rods are made in Chinese sweatshops. Often by political prisoners.
"grab a 7.3:1 heavy flipping rod"
I swim the senko off the bottom with a switch switch pause switch when water temperatures are 65 or better and a slit twitch and let it fall back to the bottom when it’s 55 or below and dip the tail in JJ’s magic with some smelly jelly bass feast sent….undefeated it catches the big ones.
There is a very small lake in my area that is just packed with fish that won’t bite . I’m in southern Oklahoma and I’ve thrown everything and they won’t touch it . I think all they want to eat is shad . I’ve thrown every swim bait I can find and the only thing I’ve ever had them bite is a z craw . I don’t know if they can’t see the baits can’t find them or it’s just too pressured . I know they are there they chase the shad all day but I just can’t get them to bite and it’s not just me . . Any suggestions??
I am a bad fisherman and I feel the same about the senko. I've caught literally 90 percent of the bass I have ever caught with it. But never enjoy it the same as tossing a lure or swim bait of some sort.
Love the videos man
The devils horse prop bait has always been my favorite for pig sized post spawners in May.
I hate the lakes around me. So much grass and matted algae I can’t get in there with a spinner.
I just got some bruised banana And banana seed Zoom trick worms also got methalate
Whats the deal with the heavy line
I was waitin for the wacky setup. Tried about 3 of these setups today. Its nice to watch videos like these on days when you don't catch shit but know your still doin it right. Just didn't go you way but persistence pays off
It can be hard to sit there waitin on a senko, but there a time and place. I agree though I would much rather throw something that I'm working
What color do you like in the senko?
You need to make a “how to” book of fishing tips, rigs, Rod set ups!!
I was with you till till the ned rig deal
Great analogy of the senko. It took me awhile to break away from the simplicity of it. In my 3rd full season now having a blast catching them on topwater, reaction, etc. Thanks for all the confidence building
Tbh , I gave you a like as soon as I seen the hat.
After listening to you a bit I subscribed.
Thanks Gene. You are a gifted teacher.
Never want to work your spinner bait to fast
You done went and got skinny brother! Hope it’s by choice man! If not always praying for you brother.
What kind of tackle box is that?
Dudes beard is serious I’ve been watching this guy for years and could hardly recognize him!! Lookin like a caveman these days!!
Nice video man make sure to make a June and July baits to use
Bubble gum is that color
Cheers mate you really know your stuff.
What swim bait did you have on that Jack hammer?
Tackle Warehouse needs to let me just create an account like literally bro i dont want to order to create an account just give me one
Great video!

Thanks for the tip on smelling. I'm new to fishing and didn't know this. I was out last weekend on my kayak on the Cape Fear and noticed one section where the fish smell was thick and it only lasted for about a hundred feet. I wish I had known this tip a few days ago.
calm crystal clear water the last few days in Erie and the bite has been tough… threw a green pumpkin TRD around some bluegill beds today and landed 7 Largemouth. None very big but hey… IT WORKS!
More like this!
do these baits work for the north up in the middle of Pennsylvania? for largemouth
I think you’re right about the senko. I set my wife up on this or a drop shot and she catches a lot of smaller bass. It’s fun. On days where I don’t catch a thing I’ll throw one on too.
If you dont mind me asking, what part of Georgia do you live? Region, not specifics? I am almost 100% sure that one of the PTSD recovery Veterans that I take fishing and I saw you a few weeks ago.
Bass fishing in may? Cant do that until end of june. Thanks canada
Could you possibly do a video on the upcoming Brood X Cicada spawn. It only comes around every 17 years and it is huge. Thanks! Go Dawgs, JT all the way!
You give me the courage of catching fishing , it is tough. I need to buy more lures
Thank you Gene!
that explanation of the senko and the reason you dont like it is laughable…. that bait will out fish those other four baits all put together….as far as it being great for beginners its also great for professionals lol bc more money has been won on it than any other bait.
Do you still do the mystery tackle box openings or other box openings? I remember watching you back in 2016 when I didn't live in fishless Arizona and I was in Wisconsin with the best of them for muskie and you always had the most entertaining openings
Am I wrong in the fact bass see white and chartreuse as the same color, with maybe one color a little brighter or darker but basically the same?
I like using a weightless texas rigged white senko and working it like a fluke. I have caught some of my biggest fish doing that!
I have been fishing for 2 years and have 1 bass to show for it. What am I doing wrong? lol fish out of Northern VA
Very good instruction. Well done.