How To

The JIG you SHOULD Start Fishing (UNDERATTED)

In this video I teach you about the most underrated jig you should probably start fishing in summer and fall: a hair jig. The hair jig is a perfect lure for mimicking fish darting through the water and catching fish not relating to the bottom of the lake. I love this bait because it allows me to catch fish often times other anglers are not fishing for and you can catch some huge bass fishing it! We go through what setup, rod, reel, and fishing line you need to fish it as well as how to fish a hair jig and use the technique on your lakes and ponds.

Want the lures, fishing rods, baits, and fishing line we talked about in the video:

My hair jig fishing rod setup 7 3 M

Shimano SLX

JTK Hair Jig (my favorite hair jig)

Classic Cumberland Pro Prayer Jig

Pro Prayer Jig

My HDS Live


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Did you know that a bucktail jig has been the single fishing lure included in Army survival kits since WWII? It catches basically any type of fish in any water around the world

  2. Have some hair jigs (Buck tails) I bought for flounder fishing that I never used. Well now, the local bass will be offered these on the menu.
    Thanks Bog! I mean Mikey.

  3. Tried the hair jig craze back in the early 90's. Had limited success. I can see u seem to really set up on a spot and stroke that thing. Going to try again with my updated electronics. Thx for the lesson. Headed to bitters bait and tackle

  4. Dude since I found out about you around a year or two ago I love your content man you are so humble and informative and you really care about sharing tips that actually work and not tricking us into believing something that makes you money. Hope that makes sense but just wanted you to know that I have learned so much from your channel man and I went to the outer banks last week for vacation and saw some hair jigs at the local surf fishing shop so I snatched some cause they looked really good. I also just bought a garmin ultra 122sv and panoptics lvs32 so I am trying to get it installed on my boat today but I still won’t be able to use it til I get a lithium battery from amped outdoors. Ordering that today. Sorry about the huge comment but love the channel bro keep it up and we all love BOG to death he is the most chill dog ever.

  5. I have just picked up a couple of hair jigs to fish for smallies here in western Washington state. This vid was informative and very timely for me. Thanks Mikey, from one under dog to another!

  6. Dude, you're in Florida in August. Isn't your butt wet all the time (either from rain or sweat)? LOL Seriously though, thanks for sharing the what, how, & why you know about catching bass (& for spreading the word that pitties, like most large breed dogs, are big lovers unless taught not to be by humans). Cheers!

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