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The Death of REAL Bass Fishing and it SUCKS

Yup. I’m pissed. My wife is walking WAY around me this morning. The dog won’t come near me. Yep. I’m unhappy.
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  1. you made an interesting comment near the end, about how the young punks that have no clue about the fish, the love, the soul of bass fishing. To a degree I understand. Do you think you, as a statesman of "old school bass fishin", and the soul of fishing should be teaching young punks? I mean, for me, yes i have LS — but again its about time usage and being as efficient and learning as much as i can about it in the time I do have. What say you?

  2. I find it very interesting that old school guys like yourself are so up in arms about livescope. I think that hammers like you and others sharing their hard earned knowledge of fishing tactics for a few dollars has had way more of an impact on our fisheries than any technology has ever had.

  3. The Livescope guy's do not understand and they wont for one reason.. FFS makes it easier and much easier to catch fish. It allows anglers with little to no foundation of skills to compete with tournament veterans that have been doing it longer than the FFS guys have been alive. Theyll justify using it anyway they can and theyll start by saying "Its not that easy you still have to know how to use it and you have to find them." Bottom line is they would not be catching those fish without it. There are great anglers that use it but they do it in order to compete and they'll admit it. The vast majority of those anglers wont admit however that theyd rather it be banned because they know that their sponsors would black ball them immediately. Its all about money with with these tournament organizations and its getting out of hand. At this rate in 5 yrs a competitive tournament rig will cost 150k and anyone that is ok with that is absolutely delusional.

  4. I always felt any electronics should not be used in fishing period! No electronics at all anytime!
    That would show who the real fisherman are….it is my opinion and i dont care who do not like it! If you can not figure how to catch fish without it then you should not be fishing!
    I mean no electronics anytime anywhere tournaments or just everyday fishing….humans have gotten too lazy…it is not fair to the fish population! Takes the fun out of it! You can not hone
    Your skills naturally and it is not fair to the game! It is all about big money ans technology! Nobody needs electronocs of anyvkind to catch fish! Nuff said! 🤔🫡🇺🇲

  5. I haven’t watched a bass tour in several years.
    I used to love watching REAL fishin back when KVD and David Fritts, and Denny Brauer and many more where using all their talents to find and catch fish.
    These days fans are just watching guys standing on a boat playing a video game.
    From a fan stand point pro bass fishing is dead for sure.
    I still go fishin but I sure ain’t watchin it.

  6. Unfortunately for you it's not going away. I think he did catch some old school by watching them bumping into the reed heads and pitching a Bandito Bug at them. You are correct, in the long run it's impossible to compete against them without FFS. If it makes you feel any better I did win a club tournament against some great fishermen that had it and got lunker that ended up taking lunker of the year in 2022.

  7. To me its like playing video games using cheat codes!! I have a Mega 360 unit and all it does is show me where structure is!!! FFS has really taken the concept away from bass fishing!! Its also one of the main reasons im not tournament fishing anymore because its just an unfair advantage

  8. I don’t think you can blame the fishermen. They gotta do what they gotta do to compete. They are after money. I don’t think they really care if you are entertained or not. This is their job.

  9. Happy for Scott but side with you. It ain't ever going to change either. The best BS scenario is game and fish will limit how many fish you can keep ( but that is pretty much already a rule)

  10. I fully agree. Also, all in for some Ozark Mountain Daredevils. I've lived in the Arkansas Ozarks for my whole life. Killer band. I fish local kayak league. You can still compete without it so far. We'll see how long that lasts.

  11. New Subscriber here and I feel the same way about FFS. I unsubscribed from every Pro fisherman's channel on You Tube except Randy's channel. They all make me puke. I am going to fish this spring and then plan on selling my boat that I just bought 2 years ago. I can't be classified with these people on the water. We are not the same. Keep up the great work for us REAL Bass Fisherman!

  12. So what is supposed to happen? No more technology?? What is the solution? It’s gonna keep advancing. I guess maybe they gotta ban ffs. What about 360°? Where do you draw the line???

  13. Spotlighting! The Curse of the sport! Just watched the final round of the BPT today! It was a spotlighting snooze fest! The whole top 10 were doing it! It’s NOT fishing! I don’t care what anyone says it has crossed the line!

  14. Lol i did the same thing! Figured he caught them regular methods so i check out the highlights and see him describing what hes doing and you can see fish swimming on the screen couldn’t believe it

  15. If you have 5 graphs and one is NOT FFS, you'll still lose lol. That's how effective FFS is. It is truly impossible to compete in tournament settings now for folks. I feel bad for them.

  16. I’m 42, not young and not old, tournament bass fishing was my passion for many years. I said screw it when FFS became the center of it all. It’s soulless now, because the tournament organizations that allow this garbage sold the integrity of the sport in exchange for the sonar industry’s pay off. Disgraceful!

  17. I spent the day fishing a little mountain stream for Brook Trout. Never saw another person, caught a few. Real fishing, it’s a shame what’s happening. Randy gave you a shout out, congratulations for going over the UTUBE 1000 threshold!

  18. I’ve caught one in the last three outings and I know it wouldn’t be the same if I bought FFS. Just gonna continue plotting my strategy, guessing what they want, how they want it, when they want it, where they’re at, ….. hell…. I just described fishing.

  19. I was done with Bassmaster last year after all the boring fishing by many guys with very little talent, except video game ability. And when Duckett took many of the great fishermen from BASS, I have NEVER watch their hack broadcast. I'm a lifetime member of BASS from the 80's, and their magazine goes straight into the recycling bin.

  20. Can't watch tournaments any more. Don't enjoy watching guys look at screens. Totally agree with you and Randy on this subject. We have lost the ability to understand the seasonal patterns, evaluate the water and conditions, and enjoy the thrill of figuring it out while enjoying the outdoors.

  21. Subbed 2 weeks ago then unsubbed after reading your nasty comment below basically calling Roland Martin a cheater. I appreciate voicing opinions about FFS, but airing your personal contempt for Roland as part of a conversation about his son using FFS isn’t worth tuning in to see or read.

  22. My heart breaks for you because I can tell you love fishing. I would suggest the problem is making fishing a competition. I can't imagine why someone would want to stare at a screen instead of what's around them while fishing or hunting. Like you, I have no interest in technological help in those. I don't want to know what deer are there until I meet them, and I love the surprise of throwing a jig or fly into a spot that I feel is fishy and finding out I'm right when he smacks it. As much as I see that this is making tournament fishing less like the fishing every fisherman fell in love with originally, tournament fishing is already devoid of the things that make fishing what it is. You've already taken the soul out when you decided to compete on someone else's schedule and by their rules. This isn't a fishing problem. It's a fishing tournament problem. Stop competing and go back fishing. Let the guys with the biggest budget see which one of them is best at watching TV.
    I hope you find peace and happiness and catch your biggest bass ever.

  23. Couldn't agree more can't stand watching guys doing this crap. It's disgusting. Doesn't matter if it is bass or crappie or any other fish that swims. It's all crap.

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