Welcome to THE CULL. A weekly Sportfishing debate show hosted by Bassmaster Emcee, Dave Mercer and Matt Pangrac from Bass Talk Live.
This week’s question – BUC-EE’s is THE best bass fishing gas station EVER. Keep or Cull?
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#fishingdebate #thecull #buc-ees
Buc-ee’s is amazing. It’s the Walmart of gas stations. You can find anything in there. All kinds of beef jerky! First time in Buc-ee’s is overwhelming! KEEP 100%
Beaver nuggets!!
Buccees is a mandatory stop on a road trip
There’s actually a BUC – EEs billboard in Wisconsin on 90/94 that says BUC – EEs 559 miles lol 😊 just saw it this week !
Matt tuk-off this morning🎉
Unfortunately probably run by our CORRUPT Government..
They don’t have fishing stuff lol
110 gas pumps and 20,000 people all the time. I have seen someone with their live steers taking pics with the Buc-ee statue out front in Temple Tx. Definitely an experience.
Keep! Only been to one. But it was impressive.
"Gas pro shops" love it, Dave!
From this day forward, it will be known as gas pro shops!
It is the Mecca of gas stations. Who will be the first Bass Pro sponsored by BUC-EE’s
Waterfront is the best bass fishing gas station, but overall it's not Buc-ees
Waterfront on Gunterville is the best fishing gas station
When i say the title Didn't read BUC-EEs just saw title i was like its BUC-EEs and of course it is no way you beat it
yea first