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Back for another breakdown. Finished up the Bassmaster Elite Season and finally tallied up how much it cost me for the entire season!


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  1. $77k in the bank, but $45k is rolling to next year. I think you've been the best guy to watch and follow. Your not a clickbaiter, not a flashy look-at-me kinda guy. Humble and honestly will go a long ways

  2. 45k just to play the game? Then have to pay your own expenses the entire season? Sell another company’s product for some free samples? You have to play at the top of your game every single time out on the water just to barely get by…I absolutely love fishing and love to compete but that business model just doesn’t add up no matter how I look at it. Everyone looks at the 100k for the winner. That will break you about even after the year. The real winners are B.A.S.S. and the tackle/boat manufacturers that are having their products peddled for them by someone who is ultimately paying to do it for them. These young guys coming up wanting to compete for a living are being sold a bad deal. I hope you win the classic coming up. You keep working hard and don’t let any outside influences distract you from the prize!! Tight lines Brother!!

  3. Congratulations on the season, well done! A video suggestion for you. Pick one body of water and treat it as day one in a tournament. Show the process how you would fish that day and break down the water using FFS. Then go through that same process on another day, same body of water, without using FFS.

  4. So I was one of the first to respond to your poor me whining video. I said you were lining yourself up with the losers with the diatribe you were spouting. I also said if you wanted to fix your issue simply catch more fish…..seems like you took that to heart and had a positive year. Not sure if you understand how this game is played but you will fall down the mountain again and have to climb back up. Its not the sports issue its not the design of the business model its all about catching more and bigger fish than the next guy. If you can do that consistently enough you will do ok. Additionally if you can learn to bullshit you can enhance those earning opportunities. Congrats on a successful year but know adversity is the next door you open….

  5. For a “Professional Sport” the majority of Pros in Pro bass fishing scrape to get by! You had a good year for sure and made minimal $$$ for all of the hard work. The only way to live comfortably is sponsorship. I don’t ever see the sport getting back to where it was in the early 2000s. Is what it is I guess.

  6. Great year ! Hopefully you can get a little more sponsor support ! To help counter the entry fee expense . Bass should have a top 10 AOY incentive to lesson entry fees as well! Maybe 3 k per spot ! And are you going to guide in the off season to make some extra Cash ? Good luck in the Classic Jacob ! LFG !!!!

  7. Great year. Impressive consistency.
    I’d love to see videos on breaking down a lake you don’t know well. Or if you only have a few hours, how to maximize your bites. I’m sure I’m not the only weekend angler who doesn’t get to fish for 8hrs straight, so we want to get on some fish quick. Thanks.

  8. Yep Was with ya from that first video ! Went to bat for ya * with 2 Haters ! Anyway ! Great job cuz keep grinding! The Big mouths are like church mouse's now ! Peace dude !

  9. Great job this year. Was really pullin for you to win AOY. I know it's cliche, but would be cool to see you do some videos showing your winning ways. Show us the baits and techniques that you used this year.
    You have found a really good niche for yourself showing us the breakdowns of the costs. Noone else has ever done this. Hope you keep it up. It's really interesting to see the reality of what it costs. Thanks man!

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