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The Best Bass Fishing Electronics Video In The History Of YouTube

Randy gives his analyzation of what he considers the top electronics bassfishing video ever produced for YouTube…#bassfishing #fishing #livescope #humminbird360 #2dsonar #downimaging #sideimaging #fishthemoment #offshorebassfishing. Here is the link to Jonny’s video…


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  1. John Soukop is the king of electronics right now but he doesn’t do much teaching. Johnny is a close 2nd in my opinion. He has a way of simplifying and explaining electronics in a way that guys like me can not only understand but take the information and apply it on the water.

  2. This saga over electronics has really got me thinking lately. First thing I found out about myself is I do lean more to the skill over technology side of this argument. I think this is where the crux of this argument is and needs to be addressed from. All you here lately is how my "Livescope" was a major factor in my results or all you see on vlogs and YouTube is edited clips that make it look like all the anglers are doing is using their technology to compete. Part of this is business side and needing to make money for sponsors, etc. I think we need more transparency from the pros and sponsors. The skill sets of the anglers need to be showcased and how hard they work to hone those skills, more than "hey this technology is great and makes me great" attitudes /viewpoints we get from our media. Have not got to watch Johnny's video yet, but sounds like a step in the right direction.

  3. Randy

    Would you please do a breakdown on “your” opinion along with facts about why some rods are better than others and a cost break down.

    I know other you-tubers have done this but they are selling their product. I’d like you to say why one material is better than others and why depending on the technique. Also is having the lightest guides on a rod worth it. Etc etc.

    I ask because you are very credible and you have thousands of people that I think would like your opinion on this. And if not thousands I’d like to hear it. So that’s at least one person. 😊


  4. Fantastic partner pimping. Also, normally, with click bait titles like this one, I can't wait to hit the delete button, but this one is top notch (obviously, or I wouldn't be commenting, and as they say "there is no such thing as bad publicity". So, be honest, who orchestrated this? Whoever it was is a social media guru.

  5. Johnny's video is excellent, I watched it last week. Must watch for anyone wanting to learn more about the best ways to leverage electronics , what to buy (or not) and why. Really good reference.

  6. Howdy,Randy great vids a learning tool we didn’t, have still we learn at 69 I’m still learning .I fished my first tourney at 19 Anglers. ray Jeff flashers were the norm.just like tech today we could locate deep fish .salmon in 90 bass in more than 60 ‘ we would idle an graph all winter. With tech today we already know we’re to look, it just makes it faster to mark spot on the spot so to speak.keep up the great work ,good luck with the weather.

  7. Interesting Jacob Wheelers recent comment was that he only used his full tech station perhaps 20-30% of the tournament season and that his experience / knowledge and mechanics are crucial. This backs up the fact that tech doesn't trump experience and knowledge 👍

  8. Given my professional background with military radar I consider myself an expert wrt the tech, however, my bass fishing knowledge at the moment is not at the same level so being able to exploit FFS is not realistic at the moment. My new boat currently has 3 Helix units, 7 & 9 on the console with DI and SI and a 10 on the bow. I went with the 10 so that I can eventually exploit 360 when the time is right which is not now. side imaging is by far the most important sonar on my boat at the moment

  9. During my tournament I got to fish over the weekend I used a mix ur your recommendations for senkos and Rolan’s recommendations. I was able to catch a 4 1/2 pounder to get my bag to the next level to place the highest I've ever placed in a tournament.

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