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Follow along my journey as I attempt to catch trophy bass, hone my craft, entertain, and share my learning experiences.
Favorite Baits: Chatterbait, Crankbait, Jerkbait, Shaky Head, Spro Frogs.
Favorite Equipment: Shimano Curado, Ranger Boats, Mercury Fourstroke Pro XS, Toyota Trucks, GoPro, Fuji Rod Components, Point Blank, Striker, Untamed Tackle, and UPRVR Rod Sleeves.
For more Funny and entertaining videos visit my channel at:
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If that is Lake Harding I try to stay away. I have been knocked out of the boat. Had a lower unit go out. The biggest reason is, I was hit by lightning . My home lake is now Toho in Florida. LOL. I will be fishing West Point in October.
Hey Bro let me know when you come back to Harding!!!
Shakem'Up 🔥🔥🔥
Kyle, at these local tournaments don't you ever worry about people cheating, especially when you can pre fish on the same day? It has happened a lot around here in N.C. They have caught several teams using fish baskets with fish previously caught. It's one of the reasons I gave up local tournaments. When everyone comes in with 10-12 lbs and one boat has 26-28 lbs, you start to wonder.
Don’t look at the camera
All of our afternoon tournaments have a no prefish rule the day of the tournament….we usually fish 4 to 8:30
What is the swinbait you are throwing?
Hey man just watched the video where you went to booker t state park. Do you still live in cleveland. If so i also live in cleveland and would maybe love to meet up and fish with you one day
Keep on posting
That swimjig bite was incredible!!!
Kyle throwing a pink worm??? What happened to green pumpkin and June bug haha
what trailer do you use on your swim jigs
Man you threw me for a loop when you let that 4 & a half pounder go. I thought that was the tournament footage until you mentioned blast-off a couple minutes later. Super solid fish! Superb vid as always my friend. You’ve satiated my thirst for a Kyle Welcher upload…for the next several hours anyway.🤣
i am going to DM you on instagram
the first fished you showed on the pink i think trick worm near that red thing right behind you where that bass boat and pontoon boat was on a lift that is my grandparents house that’s the one i go up and fish and stuff
Hey Kyle. You gonna fish the big bass on Chickamauga this weekend? I'm heading down there tomorrow.
Don't bail on the truth series!!
Good stuff Welchers…..the last Tues nighter I fished here there were 90 boats trying to launch out of a ramp made for 30….needless to say it was a cluster—- lmao
Hey Kyle can you give me some tips and baits you would throw at chickamagua this weekend. Thank you have a blessed day
Confused about why you practiced in an area you had no intentions of fishing in during tournament
What knot do you tie going braid to flouro?
Do you have northern smallmouth experience? If not buy Seth fieder a pack of Marlboros, a gravy biscuit and a six pack of blue ribbon, then pick his brain.
Dangerous with a swim jig you are.👍
You like the new Elite schedule?? Whoever wins Angler of the Year is gonna have to catch em all year.. Should always be like this!