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Striper Fishing – THE LONE STRIPED BASS – Casting, Casting, Casting, Until You Catch

Striper Fishing – THE LONE STRIPED BASS – Casting, Casting, Casting, Until YOU Catch – When I write, I always keep something in mind, and I right something else. When I fish, I always keep something in mind, and I catch something else. That is how you do it. It just means you have a lot of ideas and really know how to fish. Striped bass do the same. One morning the stripers wake up and start eating bunkers in the ocean. All of a sudden the bunkers ain’t there. The poor confused striped bass with his raised brow and ominous look in her eye, scratches it’s head with her tail and it says, “hmmm?” Next thing a million striped bass are doing the same thing. That can cause a slight momentary ocean swell if the striper do all at once. Now confused the basses all break off and split in different ways. Some in groups, some alone, and some pair up for who knows what. The striped bass have a big brain, and all think a little different. Do they? Eventually the bunker think one in all, and all is clear, and form up into a big gelatinous gelly belly mass and swim gingerly. This is as I always see them, and so do you. Slowly and surely the big solitary, learning paired, and big crazy groups of striped bass key onto this old new jelly belly formation, and her tail is now side to side thrusting then finally straight all with a bunker sticking out of his head. I will always and eventually write what I intend. I will always and eventually catch what I fish for. That is not something else. It is more.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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