Tips N Tricks

Spotted Bay Bass Fishing Tips and Tricks!

This episode of Lost Horizon Fishing includes an overview of the equipment and techniques I use for catching spotted bay bass! The fishing takes place in Huntington Harbour/ Anaheim Bay.



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  1. I don't care what anyone says…….hotsauce works! Back when I was fishing Mission and San Diego bay a ton I always had a ziploc baggie of hot sauce. Covers your own scent, provides some scent and slicks up the bait for the natural slimy feel. Nice fish.

  2. I miss your Anaheim Bay fishing videos Dan. I've tried a few times with little success. Still learning. I just got some garlic scent from Hook Up Baits. Looking forward to see if it helps. Always enjoy your videos. Happy New Year!

  3. I notice you use a fish finder. I'm on the fence about getting one. How do you actually use it? Do you only fish where you see fish and work it for awhile? Do you just look for structure and fish that area? As you fish the docks do you only fish where you see fish or do you just cast to every dock? Any help would be appreciated. Maybe I'll get one.

  4. Any structure in particular you enjoy hitting? I fish 9 times out of 10 on the shore here in LBC. Tend to get these guys right off the rock banks. Occasionally off skoal buoys as well. But taking off in NB harbor and what not is there things I should really zone in on?

  5. Good stuff, Dan. Always enjoy your Anaheim Bay videos.
    Curious why you don't fish the docks more though, since you apparently pass them coming and going. I fish in the open with the tide, of course; but, I love to fish docks because if I can see a spot that looks fishy, actually shoot a cast in, and get rewarded that is a great feeling.

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