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Speedboats RUIN Spot (Calero Reservoir Bass Fishing)

Went out to Calero Reservoir on the weekend to try to get some bass fishing in, however some pleasure boaters on their speed boats came and ruined the spot! Luckily we still caught some bass anyways! I get the appeal of owning and riding a speed boat, but if you share the lake with other people with other hobbies maybe be more considerate? Like there’s a whole reservoir to boat, why do they need to run over the shallow water area where bank fishermen are limited to? Anyways, it was a beautiful weekend to be fishing and we still got tight lines!

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  1. During the summer, I avoid taking my kayak to the Cherry Canyon Arm. The speed boat wakes are pretty big, and you need to stop and point your bow into the wave every once in a while . In calmer coves, sometimes (not often) the jet skiers will fly very near you. I don't think they understand the impact of the waves on you. I don't think they know certain areas are off-limits. I have seen the Ranger stop them only once.

  2. Those boats are so annoying, the worst boats to see when Iโ€™m fishing on the bass boat are weight board boats, the water inside it to make a huge wave for the surfer just kills me, thereโ€™s times my Dadsโ€™s boat has gotten soaked. Calero is pretty small so boats canโ€™t really go anywhere. Yeah some boaters donโ€™t know what there doing????????

  3. Bro I was there Sunday and this dude on a jet ski was ripping past our fishing spot like 50 feet away and then cut into a cove right infront of this other guy with his son. He did this 3 or 4 times I canโ€™t stand it

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