Speed worm bass fishing is a great way to catch them in the thick stuff or close to cover. I was fishing weightless on the top of duckweed with a Rage Worm today. Get yours here: https://omnia.direct/rwOxM9
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I was throwing this Rage Worm and when they blew up on it I immediately paused and let it sink down in the hole that they made. I would wait for my worm to start swimming away and then set the hook.
I was throwing this worm on a 7’2″ medium heavy casting rod and a 7:2 gear ratio baitcasting reel with 15-pound test.
For some reason, I kept forgetting to turn on my camera and missing fish catches, but hopefully, this video helps you fish weightless worms or swimming a worm for bass.
Speed worm fishing for bass is a great way to catch them in the thick stuff or in open water. Give it a try. Let the bass see something a little more finesse than a big swimbait, toad, or jig.
To your fishing success,
Jonathan Burke