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Something VERY Disturbing Was Said On Mercer’s Podcast With Gerald Swindle This Week…

Randy talks about Dave Mercer’s interview with Gerald Swindle this week…#angler #bassfishing #bass #fishing #fish #fishingdaily #catchandrelease #fishinglife #fishingtrip #podcast

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  1. So if all the science and data is limited or not true, then what makes you right? Im not taking one side or the other. I am inclined to believe most of what you say, and agree with your stance however, what makes you right Randy?
    Feelings and emotions are not truth. I realy enjoy watching you but your liberal ways i think should stay with your politics. I get how and why your emotional and rightly so but if you wanna prove a point to make a real change, you need to gather some facts and truth.

  2. Then why is it that you use graphs on your boat. Practice what you preach, sir. I don't use any graphs on any of my boats, kayak, or float tube. Forward facing sonar is just another sonar unit it's no different from 2D or side imaging. Both tell you where fish are and the structure on the bottom. Go, no graphs to bring you back to basic fishing needs. Randy simply put your are a simple hypocrite. I can do it but you can't attitude . You only spew hate from your mouth. Nothing ever is positive. Don't put words into another man's mouth if he didn't say those words. He basically didn't say any of that word salad that you spoke of. Give it up. Sonar and fishing are advancing in technology from rods to reels to fishing lures. But yet you'll say nothing about that. Hmmmm kinda just makes people wonder. If you don't want it on your boat, don't buy it. Don't tell anybody how to spend their money.

  3. I’ve got old bass masters with a Roland Martin advertising a camera to look under the water for fish, and mentions that it’s against the rules to use these in tournaments because of the obvious advantage these things are far superior to that

  4. I have come to see your point. What’s next, robots to catch the fish for you? It’s also like baseball not allowing aluminum bats. There’s no way that FF sonar should be allowed in tournaments. I’m a convert to your side Randy.

  5. I don't think it should be allowed in the elites or mlf or any tournament down to the club level. Football and baseball hockey you name it have things they can't do to give an "artificial" advantage other than their natural skill and training. There is lakes that have been wiped out population wise cause of this. So, it's hurting the bass population and of it doesn't stop our children will have no respect to enjoy as we have. It's nearly animal cruelty cause they can target big breeders that have never been targeted before so generations of bass will be affected.

  6. What I see happening in the future when it comes to using front facing sonar is there will be tournaments with the technology and tournaments without the technology. Unfortunately there will be double the amount of tournaments fished which will definitely overfish any body of water. Of course any pro fisherman is considered an influencer. Without them fishing most products would not be sold in the abundance that they are now. They have sponsors that help with the problems sometimes. Big name electronics manufacturers need them to help sell the products. Boat manufacturers offer the top of the line electronics in full "pro package" set ups. Big name pro's purchase the boats then fish the tournaments. Because it is now "normal" to fish these tournaments with the newer technology it will be tough to reverse it. I rambled off too much! My apologies.

  7. Like everything else in society and life…things change. Same is for fishing. Fishing changes, “what” fishing is changes with each generation. Technology is going to be integrated into fishing. It’s the way of life…nothing stays the same or the way it was or is.

  8. You spelled out my grievances with Millikin's tournament data videos pretty darn well. So the catch rates have leveled off in recent years huh? But the efficiency of our efforts has increased due to numerous reasons, FFS being one. In catch per unit effort, if the effort goes up and the catch doesn't, that tells us the resource is declining. It's only logical.

  9. 5:57 Context matters and you took Dave’s comment out of context regarding what he said about not making a cast when there’s no fish on the ffs screen. He said that in the context of tournament anglers not weekend anglers. Isn’t the purpose of tournaments to “catch” fish? As long as that’s the purpose everything will be designed and made to maximize fish “catching” not “fishing.” Common sense goes a long way here. Same goes for the trolling motor power poles. Those maximize a tournament anglers ability to “catch” fish which is what they are PAID to do.

  10. I left Facebook because of the drama and nonsense. I started following YouTubers that were hunters and fishermen. The drama has become so much more intense now that the actual hunting and fishing content has turned to 💩. I started following your channel for tips and advice and the last video I watched of yours was of you going on about how many more views that you were getting on controversial videos like this! I don’t blame you necessarily if that makes you money, but I can’t imagine that it gains you followers that enjoy fishing content. Not hating on you but that’s just my opinion.

  11. Well Randy, you've often commented that bass fishing has become an elitist sport. The expense of these items are out of reach for a lot of people, thousands of dollars for FFS, thousands for shallow water anchors, now the crappie motors, let alone the cost of bass boats and motors. Myself, I'll stick with my aluminum boat and minimal electronics, fish for fun and ignore tournaments

  12. I get confused when I hear about what other guys are doing. If we are all about fishing in its purest form it’s you vs the bass. If your thinking about what the other guy is doing and your confident in your methods why worry about the other guy. Am I wrong in that? I’m not a tournament angler but I’m a simple fisherman that loves to get away from people and it’s me vs the bass. I could care less what Joe Schmoe is doing a mile up river from me.

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