In today’s video, I find lots of animals in need of HELP! I save many trapped turtles along with a snakehead fish from an abandoned pool!
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Nice dive
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Liked the video Bobby
Im a big fan

So cool
I thought it was illegal to release snake heads. You aren't saving the ecosystem by releasing them.
Make a turtle pond
past bobby: Snakeheads are so cool! future bobby: KILL IT KILL IT
I am subscribed for the last 4years

lol amazing! all these abandoned houses have pools that someone went to the effort of catching fish and putting them in these pools, but luckily this fisherman happened to know these houses were empty and happened to check the pools and just so happens that catching the fish out of these pools and water fountains that someone put in there is great content for his channel… lmao dude stop putting fish in abandoned pools for YT content xD
Man that’s a snakehead he’s chilling
It’s my dream swimming with fish
The turtle was a map turtle
Why do you release Snakeheads after catching them if they are devastating your native species of fish, reptiles and amphibians????
you released an invasive fish back into the ecosystem while filming yourself doing smh … im not a lawer but it's actually illegal to release the fish alive….the fact you removed it and put it in a new habitat to ruin it is completely stupid and wreckless …
I enjoy ur videos so much I find myself having a BfP marathon today lol Ty so much guys! Not done yet u have so many! Yay! I love fishing so much♡♡♡
Fun fact: The snakehead would've been fine if you had put it in the porch.. They can actually walk on land and breathe just fine.. it's why they are so invasive and have been found as far as Kentucky and Missouri.. They travel across land from one body of water to another.
Snake heads should ALWAYS be killed. Why? The snake head is an invasive species it is a voracious predatory fish native to Russia, China, North Korea, and South Korea. Also it has NO natural enemies in this country plus they destroy local native species of fish i.e. Bass.
Dude how did the fish get there
Where is this property located, in Florida? I'm currently in the market, searching for a home in Florida.
you idiot u should not release that fish that is invasive fish
Where did the other turtle go
These guys "stock" these pools over time. I'm guessing this kids parent or parents are realtors and he knows where to tresspass.
You're supposed to kill snakeheads . They are invasive.
The house he put the turtle in was @catch em all fishings old house
Should’ve killed the snakehead
Who else thinks it fake
The best scripted video as always
Thats like a youtuber house?
So how did these fish end up in this pool?
lol u guys want to give those fish a better life but u handeling it like its a toy
Quit worrying about the stupid hat
you are sososososo breve at lest some1 cares for fish
Stop stocking swimming pools with fish you catch, hope you kids get caught!
Aren’t Snakehead fish an invasive species that The Fish and Wildlife Foundation asks that you euthanize them if you catch them? As I understand it, your allowed to put them back where you catch them (they prefer you don’t cause they’re bad for the native wildlife), but transporting them to a new location is illegal.
If that pool had chlorine in it, those two animals should be dead eventually because technically, that pool is too clear to be a pool pond. Yes technically, a snakehead can travel across the land to enter the pool but a caged pool like that would actually deter turtles and snakeheads away. The only thing it would attract are most likely snakes and insects.
Its illegal throwing invasive fish back to nature right?