In today’s video I go back to the neighborhood that a subscriber stocked with invasive snakeheads! I see if there are any fish left in the pools like cichlids, bass, or snakeheads and if we can save them, and we did! We even saw a thriving bass in the pool too!
Do you think the fish are thriving in these pools?
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Supper for your catfish

(. .)
Someone intentionally put the fish in there?? What were they thinking?
If the kids keep doing it you will have to tell them you will tell the polices on them to stop them
Ryan needs lessons.

If you we're saving them we kill them
I catch a shark in my bath tub
Really respect you following the law! Thanks!
Whose idea was it to use such a tiny minnow net, Einstein?
You realize failing to report a crime in the state of Florida makes you a accomplice. And if you don't turn the dumbass kids in this video is evidence that you are helping them. And who says you didnt put them in there yourself??? It would be better to call game and fish and let them know so they can get the non invasive out of there and kill off the invasive. You are a fucking idiot and deserve to be held accountable with your dumbass viewer if that really happened where they put it in there. If it's all a lie and you put them in there. You should get your fucking teeth caved in. Simple as that.
At 2 minutes he drops the net to try and catch them with his hands, makes sense
The first abandoned pool video with Zach Catchemall was legit, but now you are just throwing fish in chlorinated pools on purpose to get views.
Guys ur stupid savings? And killing pile of s#@*t
You guys are morons… you do a video of how these fish must be killed a month ago now you're releasing them back into a pond .. idiots
screw the law. release them into ponds. they are already in the ponds. which means it isnt a new species
Honestly use bacon it works i tryed it
You do great videos and I just started my YouTube channel name is Tristan the bass master and I’m trying to get more subscribers
Make this blue if you hate him
Yes I would like to see you go back and save all them fish before they all die
Wtf r they gon eat in there??? Leave em there gon die dipshit
They put fish in there just for a video
they saved them to kill them
did they really look like they were suffering? yeah right
I would find those kids dumping the fish in the pools and beat their ass. They are stupid.