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Saving Fish From Abandoned Pet Store!

In today’s video, my friend and I found an abandoned pet store in Miami Florida! There was tons of rundown ponds filled with koi, goldfish, and other exotic fish! And inside the abandoned building was several fish tanks filled with pladys, angel fish, tetras, and goldfish. So I decided to buy them all and save them!

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  1. If that guy is sourcing Koi from Japan or any fish from any other nation, and has those facilities, one report to the authorities and he is out of money. I know you’re a kid but that needs to be reported to US Fish And Wildlife.

  2. سمسمية انت يا ولد يا اخي انت ما شاء ما عليك من الناس ما عندك شي ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك من الناس ما عليك منهم ما عندك شي يا بو محمد والله العظيم ما عليك يا بو محمد والله اني احبك والله اني والله ما عندك ما شاء الله ما عندك ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك

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