In today’s video, my friend and I found an abandoned pet store in Miami Florida! There was tons of rundown ponds filled with koi, goldfish, and other exotic fish! And inside the abandoned building was several fish tanks filled with pladys, angel fish, tetras, and goldfish. So I decided to buy them all and save them!
Brandon’s channel:
Dakotah’s channel:
Business email:
Rats everywhere

Had to net the fish myself
Had to pay $5 for swordtails
Those people have rats running around Bo animals and fish
Well she can't find did the rest can still help not
See if you can buy the dog
This is super sad.
Is this real? And if so why on earth would they abandon their fish and bunny?
Bye the rabbit
- You never bought the emu…just sayin
who tf keeps saying “mmeow”
"10 Thousand Likes Ill Buy It" Did You Buy It?
Please tell me you reported the place and saved all of those animals
38k likes, where’s that emu
If that guy is sourcing Koi from Japan or any fish from any other nation, and has those facilities, one report to the authorities and he is out of money. I know you’re a kid but that needs to be reported to US Fish And Wildlife.
Meant to say, we should save more, but just be careful how much you spend
You should save more food
You got 30,000 likes do you have to get the ostrich or emuo
You should buy all of the koi fish it would help the incitement and they would be happier
I hope i found abandon pet shop like this
That meow meow was radic
Buy the store.
but you better save the fish and all the animals in there, don't know, don't the fish only
The sad reason this dog may not be able to bark because a very sad process called debarking
You knew that shit wasn’t abandon and you wrote it on the title anyway….after the fact…
Please tell me you saved the bunny
Por eso es importante hablar tanto español como ingles
Are ur kind
Buy everything there
I wanna see you guys get koi fish
Take them from an aquarium to put them in another aquarium
so glad you could save them!!!!!!!!
can you legaly steal fish an anbandoned fish store and treat them the way they should be treated?
Homie went up to the rat and said meow meow

aw you should save other animals too you need to save them from that shop you cant leave the other ones to die
Get the butterfly kio
Buy all the fish see of them
The poor bunny
Should go back for the red tale catfish
Mira tu eres una persona genial sin miedo a nada
You should have taken them all when they weren't around. Disgusting place.
In The Wild There Is No Oxygenation And Filteration Why Do You Forget This
Sir this vid haves 32k likes
U need to buy the
holy fu32 your a star
سمسمية انت يا ولد يا اخي انت ما شاء ما عليك من الناس ما عندك شي ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك من الناس ما عليك منهم ما عندك شي يا بو محمد والله العظيم ما عليك يا بو محمد والله اني احبك والله اني والله ما عندك ما شاء الله ما عندك ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك ما شاء ما عليك ما عندك شي والله اني ما عندك
Why are there random rodents around there