Bass fishing with Sara, Mille and Frédéric in Paris!
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#parispredatorfishing #bass #bassfishing
Super video Sara. I didn't know that in France there are largemouth bass, the water is so beautiful, it's so clear.
Hello from Serbia

Cool steaddy

I wish there where bass in Sweden
Je vie on France
It's a wonder that they are not using sonar
If this is the future of fishing, I will stop to fish. In a situation like this fish become a commodity. For everyone who is willing to pay. It's like shooting at pigs in a farm. And if I look at the boat they are using, it's like shooting at pigs in a farm with battle tanks. It's a disgrace, just business like everything else in our world today. Disgusting.
11:56 cringe handslap
Jag älskar en fiskar
Great video, my friend! Lovely fishing! The nature is amazing, too…What kind of fish is that? Enjoyed watching a lot! Cheers from Russia, Sara , and how about visiting my channel as well? I've got something to share about wild adventures! Anyway, best wishes in all your plans and beginnings! Best regards, Yuriy!
Bass fishing is there anything better and I am addicted too it I am now 14 two years ago I started my channel and I am damn proud of it and I am finally getting close too my 1 k sub goal !!
C’est comme des achigans
Too much advertisements and stocked water
Cool la vidéo
Bravo le guide. J attends avec impatience d autre vidéo et j espère revoir fred à un concours en hollande. Car il mérite de gagner une fois
Nice vid guys
Då vet jag att man inte behöver åka ända till USA för att fiska Havsabborre. Finns det i Sverige mån tro? Eller något annat närliggande land?
Kul att se bass-fiske. Hoppas verkligen du åkte tåg ner och tillbaka.
Skulle inte ni kunna göra en video på hur man ställer in en multirulle, för oss som är nya till det
So cool to see the Etang again…
Goodjob on catching your first bass Sara and Mille!
La fameuse vidéo a 3000 balles
Bienvenue en France
Best fishers ever
Hadir lagi sobat

Slm y buat pemancing yg hdir dsini
Slm buat yg hobi mancing
Slm kawan pemul@ maupun profesional
Slm joran melengkung
Oke sip mantap
I didn’t know there was bass in france
Vem fan bryr sig om fisken när Sara fiskar
Nice !!!

Salut capitaine Salut mille coucou sara
, toujour un grand plaisir de vous revoir 

Grym rulle som vanligt !
Sara kan inte du säga åt Mille å ta på sig Dif-Kepan eller har han konventerat 
ni är legender


Ah ba après vous avoir descendu sur Facebook vous avez quand même mit la vidéo en ligne!ils vont arrête de pleurer comme ca !!
“Monster bass” my ass, but Sara’s gotta nice ass..
USA is best bass fishing