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Sam Rayburn Bass Fishing Report 5-4-19 day 1 Big Bass Bash

Guys great news, new relationship is now in place for 6th Sense Fishing, and for all of my viewers you can buy 6th Sense Products at their website with a 10% discout by simply entering the coupon code KEN10 at checkout.

Also if you want to use the same A-rig or open hook swimbait hook I use, or any of their other products you can buy Bite-Me Products at a 10% discount at their website as well, that code is Kenfishing10.

This is the Day 1 of the Big Bass Blast on Sam Rayburn last weekend, lots and lots of fish, mostly on a C-Rig 8″ Zoom Lizard and Baby Brush Hog, both in Green Pumpkin. Caught a few smaller fish on a Cloud 20 crankbait…the big ones just aren’t back out deep in big numbers yet. I will get the remainder of this weekends footage up in the next 24-48 hours.

As always using my Lew’s rods and reels and I talk specifically about which models in the next video giving model numbers. Fishing out of my 2018 Ranger Z521C powered by the new Mercury 4 stroke 250 Pro XS (thanks to the guys at Texas Boat World in Harker Heights). As always the Minn Kota Ultrex (robot fishing) and my Humminbird electronics.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Definitely a rat snake! We fished it too, my son and I. The winning fish came on a frog, we mixed it up shallow and deep, but almost all the big fish with the exception of the second place fish came shallow. We caught a lot of fish, but we definitely spent too much time deep. I'm gonna be honest, I used to love Rayburn, but…. it ain't a lotta fun without the hydrilla. Of course, any lake is better with hydrilla!

  2. I had the bass that would have won the big splash tournament, got him to the boat, but fishing by myself, I reached for the net and she spit it out. That was Saturday morning at 7:15. Found her in 4 foot of water. I have been depressed for several days now.

  3. I fished it too Ken. My luck was like yours. Caught fish, just not big enough for a check! I was hoping to see you at some point and come introduce myself, but I was staying above the 103 bridge… I made some long runs each morning to the 147 bridge area. I was surprised that 10.04 held on all weekend to win! Good for him! Ok well, I’m sure one of these days I’ll run into you over there. Until then, thanks for the videos, and keep em coming… Brett

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