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REVEALED…The 5 Biggest Myths In Bass Fishing…

Randy goes over what he considers five of the biggest Myths and misconceptions in the sport of bass fishing..#bassfishing #fishing #fishingmyths #fishthemoment #bass #bassmaster #mlf #megabass

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  1. I always wondered what happened to you man,folks forget you were a force to be wrecked with.Im So glad I stumbled upon your page, your a wealth of knowledge and encouraged me to up my game back in the day……

  2. Yeah, the full moon thing sometimes affects bass, but you're right, its more of a weather, water level thing. Now later in the summer, I have full on marked areas where bluegill will start spawning on a full moon, and shad spawns right at a full moon….. but they too can be thrown off by drastic water level changes, etc.
    As for the cold front thing….. I honestly believe it has more to do with barometric pressure changes than an actual cold front or warm front. The only time I can say I've ever noticed a marked change from one day to the next where the fish just absolutely shut off…wouldn't eat even though i could see them there—has been when the pressure has increased by a lot in one day. Sometimes cold fronts actually cause the fish to get more active in my experience. Even if you think it caused fish to shut down, they probably just moved a bit, or changed locations……..they didn't shut off, you are just casting at nothing. There is no rhyme or reason to the fish sometimes……. sometimes i just suck at fishing. I think the weather sucks and they shut down, but other guys are still catching 20lb bags. So it's probably more of us not being able to change with the fish, than the fish shut off.

  3. I believe bass are very smart, if you can catch one on a certain bait and it remembers not to bite that bait again for awhile, that seems pretty smart to me

  4. Awesome video I appreciate learning from your videos everytime and that is what I enjoy the most as a very young angler and YouTuber so being able too learn something everytime is just amazing 👍

  5. The col;d front thing….my first tournament was after a hurricane. My buddy (boater) and I got skunked. I caught a big pike, but obviously it didn’t count. At the weigh-in, about 25 (half the boats) weighed zero fish. 4 or so weighed a limit. I felt better seeing we weren’t the only boat struggling. I suppose there are other explanations for the poor showing by so many contestants…it’s a small local lake and it gets a lot of pressure, plus there are lots of families living on the lake so there’s a lot of recreational traffic. But it was a lot easier to blame that hurricane than to think my buddy and me, and half the other boats didn’t know what we were doing.

  6. Couldn't agree more Randy. Time and time again I've showed up to a lake or pond or creek etc. And some guy is leaving and says " yeah just caught 10 of em on a white spinner bait. I take it with a grain of salt. A buddy if mine never fails to go immideatly to that bait and spends his whole outing trying to catch one with just that bait. And might get one or 2 meanwhile I base my bait selection on many of the things you touch in. Water color/clarity. Cover, and always do much better. Point being. That guy probably got on a good spinner bait bite but it didn't mean that that bait was going to catch every fish in the lake. It's absurd to think that they think every fish is into the same thing all at the same time

  7. I went to the bass institute that was going back in the 70’s. Lot of ideals on bass have changed since then. We where taught that bass have three instincts and in this order. 1. To kill. 2. To eat. 3. To spawn. With the instinct to kill just imagine a bass growing to the size of a big dog.

  8. active inactive an neutral moods of largemouth,an small.bite windows ,strike zone’s top middle,bottom . Us who have studied these fish know this to be true.great day Randy hope to hear more bass metabolizing talk,the restarts to witch catch an release truthfully coexist with increased boater awareness spontaneous locations will in my estimation result in scattering the big fish more throughout the system let’s see some data on the state level as to a quest to limit fish exposer to this tech.

  9. The opposite of a myth is a universal truth. I think the one universal truth in bass fishing that every weekend angler should get stenciled on the deck of their boat is: “the bass are always biting somewhere on the lake”. Ever heard of a bass tournament where no competitor caught a fish on a given day? It’s never happened – ever. There is always at least one person who catches them every day regardless of conditions. Therefore if you ain’t catching them you either need to change tactics or move or both until you do.

  10. Great information Randy, mental focus and adjusting to conditions are what separates fair anglers from great anglers.We all can improve in these area's.Thanks again for your insight.

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