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Professional Tournament Bass Fishing Will Never Be The Same

With the new rules coming out for the upcoming 2025 professional tournament season. This means they are in trouble. Why are they in trouble? I believe there are problems they did not go after early on have now created BIG problems for all of the circuits. Lets Talk about it.

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  1. Jimi, I am a little concerned that you do the faith portion of the videos and then you talk about wanting to sell way points to pros. Something doesn't add up there. It does bring up a very crucial part of the conversation that hasn't been addressed. If the bass leagues cannot police themselves, they shouldn't exist, or at least the parts they can't police, such as the data as well as the FFS.
    Thanks for the video.

  2. KVD had structure scan years before other anglers.That os right out cheating. Can you imagine if only one angler had access to livescope? People didn't know what was going on. Pros want a monopoly on the knowledge to use side and downscan. Livescope levels the playing field, and that's what makes them mad.

  3. I think it's gonna be interesting with the new rules. I mean I will say it does get old seeing almost every single tournament with ffs just dominating the tournaments. 9 out of 10 anglers are just using it in every tournament

  4. Totally agree. BASS and the BPT shoulda got a hold of this situation way sooner! It’s obviously outa hand! It’s still comparing apples to oranges when comparing FFS to 360, sidescan, 2D ect. FFS is in its own legue.
    As much as I’m against FFS I think the BPT will be interesting with the limited use. It’ll be interesting to see the elite scopeadopers actually fishing for 2

  5. Too many are dependent on FFS. How many will give up if they have 1 FFS transducer in a tournament and it goes out on them? I don't consider it fishing and don't think several of the so-called "pro's" would even place in tournaments if it was banned on all tournaments.

  6. Guys we’re all better anglers now we’re better now yeah who gives a shit if you’re better seriously who gives a flying fuck if you’re better at catching fish now because you use your little video game

  7. Stay tuned. Total elimination of sonar will soon follow. As you stated,… rules will be equal across the board from youth fishing to the elite. It will be similar to what B.A.S.S. international used to practice in the 90's.

  8. I really like watching your videos.

    The fishing series of tournaments just need to, "Shut Up & Just Fish." Despite the Technology.

    Have Integrity In Your Learning of the Species that you are fishing for.

  9. There has to be a line in the sand somewhere. Question is where. I’m with ya I think there is enough viewership to support trails with it and without it. I will certainly be following the NPFL just to see the diversity of techniques that will play.

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