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Professional Bass Fishing Has Officially Turned Into A Joke…

Randy talks about professional bass fishing…#fishingtrip #bass #bassfishing #fishingdaily #fishing #angler #catchandrelease #livescope #fishinglife #fish

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  1. Bass fishing is absolutely a elitist sport! Only the rich and privileged are allowed to have both the "time" & funds to fish "competitively" especially now a days to fish with upgraded boats hp, sonors, tvs, capitol leverage etc.

  2. I get it im with u on the ffs Randy, I once upon a time wanted to tournament fish not anymore with the cost of everything good luck… the gig is up maybe just retire from tournament fishing. Fish for the love of it,maybe just guide if u need it financially just saying

  3. I jus wanna see who would come in at the top in a bass toruney if no ffs was allowed 😂. Itd would be fun as hell no watch im sure of that.

  4. Every Bass Tournament Angler in the History of this sport is to blame. You all started this 50 years ago and selling out to the latest technology to give you an advantage in fishing. You all could have done something back then but chose not to. Don't blame these new fishermen that are now carrying the torch you refused to distinguish.

  5. Hey Randy. I'm not a tournament fisherman but this affects me when every bass in the lake has been scoped out. What happens when we have AI drone lures that swim up and grab fish by the lip?

  6. Seems to me that if you have all that talent in fishing. Reading an actual map, determining what lure is working. Determining the best location for the conditions of the water and weather. Then you should still be competitive. As far as the prices of boats and tow vehicles. When Forest Wood introduced the Ranger Bass boat the price of boats went up because suddenly nobody was using a old jon boat and sitting in the back of the boat holding a tiller on the outboard… then came trolling motors.. and then came fish finders… then came graphs…. and Pro Anglers towed with Surburbans which at the time were expensive vehicles.. but now the automotive industry has all vehicles expensive…and boat manufacturers have raised the price of boats as well and then Pro Anglers added wraps and sponsors on their boats and tow vehicles…. Plus sponsors provide professional Anglers a new boat every year. Then with sponsors came expensive rods reels and lures.. then fishing lines changed…. with all that the sport grew from small entry fees and winning purses to large fees and purses… tossing a bouy to mark a spot. Changed to spot lock and gps guided trolling motors… sleeping in the back seat of your Surburban or a low cost lake side hotel prearranged for all the Anglers to stay in. Or heaven forbid a tent.. to airb&b's and having a rig towing a 5th wheel and a rig towing the boat… and the angler flying in to the tournament… PROGRESS IS INEVITABLE…

  7. What’s so hard about looking at a screen, seeing a fish, knowing how far away and deep it is and casting a lure over there? Any little kid can figure that shit out.

  8. For real one of your subscribers aren’t preforming in fansty fishing??? Randy you could be doing something productive for your viewers and subscribers rather then babbling on about thing that’s not going away

  9. Keep fighting!!
    And everyone stop watching the so-called pro's. When nobody watches or goes to their tournaments….is the only hope for change. It's all about the $ and money is ruining it. Electronic companies are kings of the hill.
    100% an elitist thing now.
    It's become unwatchable anyway.

  10. We had a Bass Champs derby on my home lake today which I did not partake in due to not being able to locate enough quality fish here lately. The local hammers did not fair very well at all. It took just undet 27 pounds to win it and we have a ton of water in the lake right now due to a bunch of rain here lately. I have no clue where these guys caught them. There is tons of extra cover and the spawn should be winding down. Thats over a 5 pound average and I have no clue where they caught or how and they were not locals. FFS is not as easy to use as some think.

  11. As someone who grew up dreaming about being a professional baseball player I understand the importance of the sacrifice, dedication, and struggle you have to go through. I thought about trying out the tournament fishing deal because I love to compete, never did it because I felt like it was something that was priced at a point that made it impossible for any average person to make it. I grew up poor and still had two tryouts with Atlanta and one with Kansas City. Is there anything similar in fishing????

  12. You insult every angler on tour with these videos. Especially the young guys. These young guys have been fishing for YEARS, prob most of their life. You’re a joke for all the disrespect you throw at these young guys that at the end of the day are just as passionate about fishing as you.

  13. What the joke is…. Is the fact so many anglers who are at the bottom of the list … will never make a classic again…. Are keeping their mouths shut because of one single name on their jersey. That’s the joke! Watch they will be screaming at the top of their lungs when they finally realize it.

  14. I find it hilarious that Randy thinks these tour pros don’t take seasonal weather patterns, water temp, knowledge of the lake etc into consideration before they go fishing. You don’t just drop your FFS in and start catching fish 😂

  15. Randy, wish you would get back to tips on using Sally Hanson nail polish on lures. Hard to believe more people aren’t doing videos on that and that this channel is the only place I can find that type of content. You are the Bob Ross of lure painting when you paint happy little gill plates on lures! …except you’re just a wee bit crabbier than Bob ever was. Thanks, Randy.

  16. It’s time to amp it up Randy! Let’s get some organized protests going! Protest every dam Bassmaster event and MLF. The sport has gone to hell! Time to take it up to another level!

  17. I’ve fished tournaments for 30+ years. I’ve stopped entirely due to the spotlighting. It’s taken over even in the small local circuits. Completely destroyed the fun of tournament fishing.

  18. it goes further than that the number of folks in the past few years that can now jig for silver fish ie lake trout, salmon in 100 foot of water and see their jig and see the fish take it. they just troll around in 100 foot of water and pick them off one after the other. 3k trolling motor spot lock and those 3k sonars heck you can dump 10- 15k just for a weekend fishing boat in electronics. heck it's the same old thing sell folks on the next best thing to catch more fish faster they are happy because it works and the electronics guys are happy because they are making bank. what would be good is to ban all but flasher style depth finders in the pros and then they could really show the folks why they are pros.

  19. We are disgusted Randy. And the hosts of the live shows are the dudes who should be ashamed- for supporting live sonar because it pays their salaries. I had to leave live fishing. I can't stand it anymore! The sport has become a joke!

  20. I was initially on the fence about FFS, but now that I’ve listened to how it has disrupted fantasy fishing, I’m realizing the true magnitude of the harm that FFS is inflicting upon the world. I’m thankful that the fantasy fishing player sounded the alarm when he started becoming a loser.

  21. Bass fishing sounds like what happened in the bowling industry when they approved on easing up the lane conditions so that anybody that played up the 2nd arrow had it made. It turned 180 average bowlers into 200+ average bowlers and now they thought they were pros. The pro bowlers tour now became a "sport"(which bowling is not a sport)that instead of making a check or the TV show while averaging 210 you're going home because you missed the qualifying cut. I could go on and on about Randy.

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