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Pro Bass Fishing and Keyboard Warriors

#fishing #bassfishing #FFS
What is happening to our sport?


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Agree 100%โ€ฆ.I just replied to another video on the FFS debacleโ€ฆ..we get to choose what businesses to support, and the businesses get to choose how they run THEIR business. I am like you, I just want to go fish.

  2. bass fisherman are the biggest cry babies. they always seem to whine about something. remember the senko, then they complained about side scan, now its FFS. looks like some of the decisions are based on tv viewership money and co angler complaints. The new 55" max screen size makes you wonder if some of the manufactures jealously of the NBT big screens. what happened to just go and fish. you dont like the rules of that circuit dont fish it or dont watch it. lets get back to fishing

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